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The key to the power of the Tribe is their assumption of hybrid forms, shedding the eons that separate them from their Progenitor to take on monstrous shapes of considerable power. By expending Ichor, the Leviathan can assume these forms, which vary from a moderate departure from the human norm to colossal, warped shapes that hint at the bizarre life forms of the Primordial Seas.

When wishing to transform to a different form, the Leviathan must first decide which form they wish to achieve - the number of steps that seperate his current and desired form determines the cost and difficulty of the transformation. Depending on circumstances, a Leviathan's Tranquility will affect this roll.

  • Cost: One Ichor per degree of change
  • Dice Pool: Stamina + Sheol - degree of change
  • Action: Instant
    • Roll Results
      • Dramatic Failure: The Leviathan instead transforms a step in the opposite direction. If this would be impossible, the Leviatan instead suffers a health level of lethal damage.
      • Failure: The Leviathan does not change.
      • Success: The Leviathan achieves the desired form.
      • Exceptional Success: The Leviathan achieves the desired form and recovers a point of Ichor due to the effortless exercise of his power.
    • Suggested Modifiers
      • -2: Shapechanging towards Depth 0 with a Tranquility of 1 or 2.
      • -1: Shapechanging towards Depth 0 with a Tranquility of 3 or 4.
      • +1: Shapechanging towards Depth 0 with high Tranquility.
      • +1: Submerged up to one's waist in water
      • +1: Inside a body of water of the size of a lake or larger.

Degrees of Transformation[edit]

  • Depth 0 - In other words, human form. In this Depth, the Leviathan is roughly indistinguishable from other humans, but can only make use of Birthrights.
  • Depth 1 - "Close hybrid." At this degree of transformation, the Leviathan is still mostly human in appearance - only a wary onlooker can piece together the subtle visual cues that betray his nature. He begins to benefit from his Echoes and gains access to the least of their powers.
  • Depth 2 - "Far hybrid." This degree represents the level of many hybrids. While one might mistake them for a human from a distance or if they were suitably garbed, the signs that were previously merely hints begin to declare the unnatural essence of the Leviathan.
  • Depth 3 - "Bestial." The Leviathan can no longer pass as human - this form melds the aquatic and the terrestrial into something monstrous and twisted. This form is something out of a horror movie. At this point, the Leviathan increases in stature, and he gains access to the greater reaches of his Echoes.
    • The Leviathan's Size increases by 1.
  • Depth 4 - "Horrific." At this Depth, the Leviathan is entirely monstrous - large and marked by the transformations wrought by his Echoes. His nature expresses itself so fully that, without supernatural aid, no aspect of his being can be construed as human - even his voice, heard over the phone, immediately proclaims that the speaker is nothing that should exist.
    • Unless manipulating the Beloved or making use of Echoes to warp the minds of subjects, the Leviathan suffers a -2 penalty on all social rolls.
  • Depth 5 - "Aweful." The Leviathan is no longer even remotely human in appearance - his conception of his nature informs the exact markings that he takes on, but he is entirely a construct of his unnatural bloodline. He is near the peak of his power, but immediately repulses those that are not already deeply under his control.
    • Unless manipulating the Beloved or making use of Echoes to warp the minds of subjects, the Leviathan automatically fails all social rolls.
  • Depth 6 - "Apotheosis." The Leviathan reaches the greatest reaches of transformation, becoming a thing that is entirely of the Primordial Seas. He is at least ten feet in size at this point, and his shape is nearly entirely aquatic - his appearance owes more to sea monsters than it does to homo sapiens. The pinnacle of change also unlocks the Leviathan's full potential, making the greatest use of his Echoes.
    • The Leviathan's Size increases by 1, cumulative with the previous increase.
    • Exposure to air drains the Leviathan of power. He may go (Stamina) rounds before this begins, at which point he begins to lose 1 Ichor per round until drained of power or returning to water or a lesser Depth. Partial submersion in a body of water of at least the size of a swimming pool will prevent this loss.
    • If the Leviathan has 0 Ichor in this form, he must roll a degeneration check for his current Tranquility each turn. In this fashion, a Leviathan stranded on dry land will go mad. Typhons stranded without Ichor begin to lose Health Levels instead.
    • Mortal onlookers with existing mild Derangements have those derangements worsen into Severe equivalents for the duration of their exposure and (10 - their Willpower) hours afterwards. This category includes many Hybrids and Lahmasu.

Detecting Transformation[edit]

The degree of effort necessary to discern that the Leviathan is anything other than human depends on the Depth that he is currently inhabiting.

  • Depth 0 - Only supernatural senses and the detection of the Wake can divide the Leviathan from a normal human.
  • Depth 1 - Close inspection and a successful Wits + Occult roll can detect that the Leviathan is not what he seems.
  • Depth 2 - As above, but with a +2 bonus to the roll.
  • Depth 3 - As above, but the roll automatically succeeds - only inspection is necessary. Natural animals are terrified of the Leviathan.
  • Depth 4 - As above, but only perfunctory exposure or scrutiny is necessary.
  • Depth 5 - As above, but only a glance or snippet of exposure is necessary. Natural animals panic at the Leviathan's presence.
  • Depth 6 - As above, and all creatures that can sense the Leviathan or are within the radius of its Wake are aware that an unnatural creature is present. Natural animals flee the region if possible.


While Leviathans often have occasion to make use of their transformative abilities in their own interests - to defend themselves and seek out their goals - they are far more likely to transform unwillingly. The imperfect control of their divine nature, combined with the stresses of their dual natures, mean that shock and distress can trigger an instictual transformation to a more monstrous form - an Outburst.

The following triggers are suggested for the triggering of an Outburst. Being exposed to a trigger doesn't automatically mean that there must be an Outburst - the problem should generally arise regularly but not be so common that involuntary changes radically alter the way in which players and characters act. Outbursts should be a source of anxiety, not aggravation. Some exercises of the Leviathan's natural abilities will risk an Outburst when used, as well.

  • The Leviathan...
    • ...fails a Tranquility check while in human form.
    • ...suffers two or more levels of damage.
    • ...dramatically fails a roll, especially a social roll.
    • ...is subject to extreme emotions.
    • ...witnesses the death of a fellow Leviathan or an Atoll.

Regardless of the trigger, an Outburst can shake a Leviathan's self-control, reminding him of the ways in which he is subject to the vicissitudes of fate. This constitures a Tranqulity-8 Disruption, as it is primarily jarring to those members of the Tribe that feel as though they have been making progress on their road to self-definition.

  • Dice Pool: Resolve + Sheol
    • Action: Instant
    • Roll Results
      • Dramatic Failure: As a Failure, and the Leviathan is incapacitated by the agonizing transformation for (6 - Stamina) rounds.
      • Failure: The Leviathan transforms immediately into a form one step less human than his current shape. If this is impossible, he suffers one level of lethal damage instead.
      • Success: The Leviathan's form does not change.
      • Exceptional Success: As a success, with no additional benefits. Strongly resisting an Outburst might constitute a reason to increase one's Tranqulity, however.
    • Suggested Modifiers
      • -2: The Leviathan has a Tranquility of 1 or 2.
      • -1: The Leviathan has a Tranquility of 3 or 4.
      • +1: The Leviathan has high (8+) Tranquility.

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