Little Horse on the Prairie: Harmony Clash

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Harmony Clash (Unicorn Pony)

Basic Information[edit]

Age: Pony
Eyes: Green
Mane: Yellow and Black
Coat: White

Cutie Mark:

  • A staff of chords

Special Talent:

  • A song to lighten the heart

I am Good At:

  • Finding a song to make somepony happy

I am Bad At:

  • Standing up for my own choice in music

Special Powers (Unicorn Pony):

  • Magic
  • Telekinesis


Body: ●●
Mind: ●●●●
Heart: ●●●


Academics: ●●● Specialization: Musical Theory
Animal Kin:
Performance: ●●●●● Specialization: Song



  • 1
  • etc

Rituals Glib Tongue Teleportation Mules Back Needles Floating Lanterns


The Major Fourth’s of Manehatten are a family of talented musicians, well known in the city, and somewhat beyond. Unamed Pony (UP) showed talent with music at a young age, but in her head she heard a music that was different from what other ponies played. A fast, slightly angry music.

Her attempts at sharing this music was mostly met with polite disinterest, and sometimes outright anger. As time went on she felt she was being smothered by the expectations of her families and others. Finally she decided she would have to go. She left, heading out to the frontier, where she thought the adventurous ponies would want to here something new.

That did not quit work out as she had expected, for the adventurous ponies often wanted to be reminded at home. Still, UP did find something. The lands on the edges of Equestria were beautiful and wonderful, and little frightening at the same time. She realized that was what she wanted to capture in her music.

Currently she lives in a small room above the local cider saloon, which doubles as a gathering place, restaurant, music and book store. It’s owner, Black Book, an old stallion, hired her to work there, as a singer and waitress and instrument tuner. When not at the saloon she is out in the wilds, composing music.




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