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Shadow Name: Locke
Real Name: Kliment Kuzentsov
Concept: Human Rights Champion and Scientist
Virtue:Justice ("We are all given the same birthrights. I make sure they aren't stolen away")
Vice:Lust ("She'll find me attractive one way or another...")
Path: Obrimos
Order: Free Council ("We reach a higher level than the common man by our own desire for discovery. It should follow than that we do not keep the knowledge trapped")
Legacy: Tamers of Fire


Academics 3 (research)("Gimme an hour and you'll have more than you ever wanted to know")
Medicine 3
Politics 2 ,
Science 5 (Physics, Biology) ("The universe is my favorite animal to examine")
Athletics 4 (long-distance running) (" 'All the opportunities in the world' he said, but never a car.")
Brawl 3,
Survival 3 (Meteorology) ("If I was a weatherman, I'd be the only one with a moneyback guarantee)
Animal Ken 3,
Persuasion 4

Language 3 (Russian, native speaker) ("No, I have not seen a moose or squirrel, but I belive I just found a wild ass")
Sleepwalker Retainer 1 ("good help is hard to find. Lucky that I found you than")
Artifact 5 ("Every Door Key"*) ("Lets see where this goes...")
Striking Looks 4 ("I assure you, Magic has nothing to do with it")
High Speech,
Status 2 (Free Council),
Status 2 (Consilium)

Artifact: Every Door Key

  • A highly adorned metal key--which in practical use can open no door, as it is shaped in the Atlantean symbol for the spell that powers it. Locke keeps it in a dark blue glasses case in his pocket.

Forces 4 (favored), Life 4, Prime 2

"Wrath of the Inferno" (Fiery Transformation): Forces 4 + Life 4 ("Everything burns.")
"Balm of Flesh" (Healing Heart): Life 3 ("You'll be fine in a second.")
"Arrow Storm" (Turn Projectile): Forces 3 ("...apparently, imagination counts as an outside force.")
"Rend the Weave" (Counterspell Prime): Prime 2 ("Not this time.")

MANA 7/13 (Max 4 Mana/Turn)

MAGICAL TOOLS: Locke focuses his will through an immaculatly cleaned golden writswatch that he wears on the left-hand, which he favors. It's an analog watch, with the symbol for the Free Council at the 12, Atlantis as the 6, and the 10 arcana in alphabetic order. On the back is a personal engraving in Russian, which translates to "A Son Never Forgets"

STYLE AND NIMBUS: during casting, the quiet and calculated Locke changes. A match is struck and the Fire inside is quickly lit. He makes wide stances for air as his body begins to sweat. The immediate area around him warms as he becomes particularly focussed in his casting, and becomes too hot to touch. It is therefore appropriate that his most powerful Rote allows him to become a walking persona of his own passionate flames.

RETAINER Locke's Retainer is a personal assisstant to him and a Sleepwalker. His name is Billy Rourke, and was a med student who sought out Kyle after he was struck by lightning. Unlike the other doctors and students who were puzzled at how he survived, Billy heard people claim strange talents or gifts after such an event, and wanted to know if Kyle was one of them. The two quickly became friends, but maintain a professional relationship as fellow "scientists". Billy has no interest in Kyle's human rights campaigns, and Kyle thinks that talking to patients about Chemotherapy is looking at the world too small. Locke doesn't think that Billy will ever Awaken; not without a strong kick to motivate him. The young mage doesn't see himself as the one to provide that kick: Billy has all the opportunity he needs at his fingertips, its up to him to take advantage of them.

APPEARANCE: Locke is a thin, lean individual, keeping his blonde hair cut short. He wears thin, square, reading glasses that he started wearing in high school. Locke carries two glasses cases, one black for his glasses, and the other navy blue for the Every Door Key. Ever the polite professional, Locke dresses conservativly and in a business manner whenever he's not out in the field, preferring dark suits. When he is on the job, he tends to wear worn jeans and short-sleeved shirts.

Locke, born Kliment Kuzentsov in the outskirts of Stalingrad shortly before the fall of the USSR, was brought to the United States with his family for a better opportunity of life. His father Dimitri taught him early the benefits of his adoptive country, especially education, government, and religion. Kliment, who went by the Americanized Kyle, found much more interest in the former than the latter. Always a curious and eager mind, he always looked for more information than his teachers could give.

Even through his collegiate years and up until his eventual awakening, the more he understood how the universe worked, the less he understood why. It wasn't until he went to religious studies before the why became clear. The universe worked the way it did because it was willed that way by something beyond the mortal world. He also saw that those who had the desire and understanding could do the same.

The exact moment of his Awakening was sudden and violent, as he was struck by an environmental anomaly of lightning. Scientists and doctors couldn't understand why it happened or how he survived, but Kyle knew all too well. Because he willed it to happen.

Kyle quickly joined the Free Council for being the only one willing to openly share its mysteries and offer the free exchange of ideas. He took the name Locke, to reflect the name John Locke, one of the great Enlightenment Thinkers. Locke also was chosen to become a Tamer of Fire, an ancient legacy bestowed on those worthy of being a Hero. Locke takes up the mantle in a more discrete manner. Having seen the potential someone can rise to with the right opportunities, Locke fights a campaign to give everyone a fair chance at their dreams and to reach their potential, and is passionate advocate for equal human rights. He donates his free time as a teacher, free of charge. He hopes he not only can help the less fortunate, but he hopes to find Sleepwalkers and potential Awakened where others don't look. He also continues to work in the realm of science, trying to discover how Magic can affect evolution and biology. In the realm of Sleeper science, he is experimenting with different means of using natural weather phenomena such as lightning as an energy source.