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Character Details[edit]
- Name: Logan
- Background: Found washed up after a shipwreck, has taken to the sea in search of his past.
- Languages: Beaulangue (fluent) with a few odd loan words of Kurlish/Mercanian; Coradian Traders Argot
- Scripts:
- Profession: Knight, Saltwater Sailor path
- Rank: 4
- Strength: 15
- Reflexes: 9
- Intelligence: 11
- Psychic Talent: 7
- Looks: 15
- Attack: 17
- Defence: 10
- Evasion: 4
- Stealth: 14
- Perception: 6
- Magical Defence: 5
- Experience:
- Health Points: 12
Missile Weapons
Plate armour and shield
Special Abilities[edit]
Knight: Track, Armour Expert, Ride Warhouse
Skills (Saltwater Sailor): Sea Legs, Swimming
Plate armour, shield, dagger, lantern, flint-and-tinder, backpack, rations (1 week) sword
- Crowns:
- Florins: 18
- Pennies: