Lotus and Allium:Amonism

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Amonite or Amonist Christianity was an early Christian (or pseudo-Christian) sect, apparently originating in Egypt. It was one of the lesser heresies suppressed by the Council of Constantinople, but the sect went underground and survived. It reappeared in northern Spain and southern France in the 10th century, and again in Flanders in the 12th century, though it was believed to have been eradicated there by the Brugesian Crusade in the mid 13th century.

The Amonites believed that the Trinity comprised 'Mother, Father and Son' or 'Mother, Son and Holy Spirit'. In their doctrine, God had a male and a female aspect, represented by the primal air and water present at Creation. They also professed that these aspects entered into Mary and Joseph to create Jesus Christ, though their orthodox opponents claimed that even this was a facade to conceal their belief in a two-natured non-Christian deity.