Lotus and Allium:Lost Things

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The Power of Lost Things[edit]

Aspect 1 (5 MPs)
Domain 2 (5 MPs)
Realm 2 (5 MPs)
Spirit 2 (5 MPs)

Durant (1), Eternal (3)


The Wild

An Aster flower (variety) surrounded by four Aloes (Loss) and at the bottom position a Chamomile (energy in adversity)

5 The place where his garden was
4 His Estate
3 Famous gardens
3 His forgotten past
2 His Familia Celaestis
2 His collection of Lost Things
1 The garden he is starting to grow in the Chancel

Johan Werner (love): A boy with Down syndrome who works as a gardener in a public park. His tender care for his work and his gift for making botanical arrangements struck deep in Lost Things, reawakening some faint memories of his past and making him start his garden again.

Armand Harding (hate): He has a pawn shop but he makes most of his money by trafficking stolen goods. This outrages Lost Things who sees taking actively things away from their owners as an attack on his Estate.

Far away and a long time ago, there lived a man with his family in the country. This man worked as an accountant for the local Lord but the pleasure of his heart was the garden he tended behind his house. Each year the garden was more beautiful as he made new arrangements and imported exotic plants. It was his biggest pride, bigger than his wife and his daughter who tried to be loving and tender but felt neglected. One day, this man lost his position due to the falsehoods spread by a new counselor sent from the capital. His grief was short for his garden warmed his heart. After a time, one or two or maybe three years, his wife ran away with her lover, tired of a life of sacrifice. He didn't mind, he still had his daughter and his garden. Then, a short time after losing his wife, his daughter died of a strange sickness, and he decided that he no longer needed servants. He stayed all alone with his garden.

And so passed the years, and the man regretted nothing. But when the uprisings started and the revolution knocked at his door and burned down his house and his garden, the man lost everything. He grieved for the loss of his position, his wife, his daughter and his garden. The pain almost made him lose his mind, and he started a life as a wanderer. Until, when walking an almost non-existent trail that crossed a forest, he met a stranger...

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Imperator: Amunet
Campaign page: Lotus and Allium