Lotus and Allium:Silence Miracle Menu

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Miracle menu for the Power of Silence

Level 0, Estate-driven Divinations

Level 1, Ghost miracles
Hush sound to make rest and relaxation easier.
Create a vague atmosphere of peace or suspicion.

Level 2, Lesser divinations
Know how long a place has been silent.
Find the nearest silent place.
Instantly spot lying-by-omission.

Level 3, Lesser preservations
Make someone less inclined to disclose something.
Stop something inactive, like a gun or bomb, from making noise when it is used.
Stop people from talking in a library.
Make someone unable to talk, at least as soon as they stop.
Cause a place to maintain its sense of peace (or emptiness or whatever) even when it's not actually quiet.

Level 4, Lesser creations
Make someone stop talking and listen.
Make someone unable to tell a given secret.
Make a small area fall and stay quiet- either by choice (no-one talks there) or miraculous power (they can try, sound just doesn't carry).
Mute the spirit of a pistol or other device that must make noise to work, preventing it from firing/starting/detonating/whatever.
Inflict literal or figurative deafness.

Level 5, Lesser destructions
Give something silent a distinct sound.
Make someone unable to stop talking, or keep secrets.
Reopen dialog between two silent parties (they'll keep arguing until they settle their differences or murder each other).

Level 5, Major divinations
Know the content of silent communication.
See anything that has occurred in a silent place.
Scry/receive hazy images the future through silent meditation.

Level 6, Lesser changes
Change the character of a silence (make it more menacing, or soothing, or give it a new one such as 'funny').
Make a silence a physical thing -- a glass bubble that must be broken for sound to come back, or a stealthy cloak, or a wall to keep someone out.
Cause a silence to follow someone around, blotting out sound wherever they go.
Make a silence that breaks sound, like a horn that negates nearby sound when blown.

Level 6, Major preservations
Stop someone from talking ever again.
Make it impossible for a person to betray a particular secret, under any torture, duress or trickery.
Stop an entire nation of people from ever talking to anyone they don't know.
Make a silence spirit immortal.

Level 7, Major creations
Kill all sound in an entire city or make a whole population stop talking.
Silence the wind.
Inflict permanent and/or mass deafness.
Break off talks between nations.
Turn a brash loudmouth into an introspective philosopher.

Level 8, Major destructions
Make someone talk for ever and ever -- even their corpse won't shut up.
Ruin global diplomatic relations by making it impossible for nations to keep secrets, or disagree quietly.
Eradicate all silence in a wide area.
Cure deafness worldwide.

Level 9, Major changes
Add new possible atmospheres to silence, so that a silent place can be of itself world-wearying or euphoric.
Give silence the ability to be powdered and preserved for later, whisper riddles... or eat people.
Make a secret poisonous to keep, or deadly to reveal. Or both.