Lovewitch Adventures Villains
Cult of the Worm[edit]
"The Worm wills it!"
The Cult of the Worm is dedicate to bring back the Conquerer Worm, the greatest deity of the Love Island arboriginal belief. Though Conquerer Worm is usully view as a metaphor of time buy scholars, these insane cultists believe that the Conquerer Worm in a real entity that once walked the Earth, and they seek to brought it back. Why they want to ressurect the Conquerer Worm is everybody's guess.
Gaia Exalts[edit]
"Do you love your mother like I love mine?"
Also known as "Chosen of Mother Earth", Gaia Exalts are animal spirits thattake an the form of horrific monsters instead of human. Contray to what thier monstrous appearence may suggest, they are neccessarily malicious or even offensive (though the majority of them are, especially to humans). It's commonly believed that Gaia created them to take revenge on mankind, but Mother Earth works in mysterious ways.
The traditional monster hunters are always a threat to the spirits on Love Island, but the ones who are powerful enough to actually take on a monster usually have enough sense to keep away from "the Island guarded by witch". This doesn't prevent juvanille hunters from trying to attck the Island to impress thier dadies, though.
Nyo World Order[edit]
"Man is something to be ovecame."
Nyo World Order was the vision of legendary oddity rights activitist, Mayunette. It was an organazation that devoted in regulates oddities, encourage them to use thier power for the common good, and thus improve the relationship between oddity and humanity. The organization took a wrong step after Mayunette left, though. Now lead by the mysterious Proffesor Macavity, the Nyo World Order is a secret organization that wants to cleanse the Earth of humanity. Nyo World Order has connection to various faction of the monster society, from the Council of Wizards to the staff at Shadow Hills.
Ladies in Hats[edit]
"Our hate knows no limit."
The Ladies in Hats are animal spirits who went to far. They deny - or try to deny - thier animal nature, and dream of being fully human. The end result in a group of creatures with the shape of human, but with nothing left inside except hate and other negative emotions. They are called Ladies in Hats because they wear hats to cover thier animal ears.
When a Dream dies, a Nightmare is born.
An Oathbound is a human who died once, made an oath with a spirit and came back to life. These humans are forever bound with the spirits they made oath with, which grant them great power but also gradualy drive them insane. They are not conveniently evil, but almost all Oathbounds become a threat to the world sooner or later. However, Love Island has quite a few lucid Oathbounds due to its unique spiritual strength.
Section M[edit]
"Proved to be the Truth of Science by superior firepower."
With thier base somewhere hidden in Cataract City, a city not far from Love Island, Section M is a scientific organization devoted to the study of occult, cryptozoology and fringe science. They send out agents to catch monsters for experiments and assassin magic users who they deem as "reality deviants". It's rumored that Section M scientists controls something called Wonders, unbelivable works of Science that borders the line between technology and magic.
Agent N
Agent F
Agent H