Luna Vachon

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Aerial Superstar 2, Manager 2, Rough Superstar 3

Attitude: Heel; Height & Weight: 5’6”, 140 pounds; Weight Class: Light Cruiserweight; Lift DC: 8; Reputation: +6; Abilities: Str 10 (+0), Dex 17 (+3), Con 13 (+1), Int 10 (+0), Wis 13 (+1), Cha 15 (+2); Endurance: 84; Trauma: 13; Base Attack Bonus: +2; Saves: Fort +4, Ref +6; Will +4; Training Background: Legacy

Skills: Bluff +10 [Ranks +6, Cha Mod +2, Cagey +2]

Diplomacy +4 [Ranks +0, Cha Mod +2, Synergy +2]

Disguise +10 [Ranks +6, Cha Mod +2, Cagey +2]

Hide +10 [Ranks +5, Dex Mod +3, Crafty +2]

Intimidate +9 [Ranks +5, Cha Mod +2, Synergy +2]

Perform (Promo) +8 [Ranks +5, Cha Mod +2, Training Background Skill +1]

Perform (Vignette) +8 [Ranks +5, Cha Mod +2, Training Background Skill +1]

Sleight of Hand +12 [Ranks +5, Dex Mod +3, Synergy +2, Crafty +2]

Treat Injury +6 [Ranks +5, Wis Mod +1]

Feats: Aerial Maneuvers Proficiency, Cagey, Crafty, Opportunist, Popular Appeal, Resilient, Rough Maneuvers Proficiency, Savvy Maneuvers Proficiency, Simple Maneuvers Proficiency, Technical Maneuvers Proficiency, Vigor

Talents: Interference, Lucky, Stomping a Mudhole, Trigger Reflexes

Finishing Maneuver: Lunar Eclipse [Top Rope Splash] (aerial maneuver, 2d6 damage, prone target, prone self, immediate pin attempt, 1 Endurance cost, possible stun on self if missed, +1 on maneuver check)

Biographical Links[edit]

OWW Profile

Wikipedia Profile