Lysippe Andarys
Cleric (of Helios) Level: 2 Alignment: Lawful
Current XP: 3266 XP needed: 6000 +10% to XP gained
Languages: Common, Ghinoran, Harpy
Hit Points: 14
Mottos: Inspiration, skill, family; ingenuity, water, defiance
Strength: 10 Intelligence: 13 (reads and writes native language, +1 additional language) Wisdom: 16 (+2 to saves versus spells) Dexterity: 9 Constitution: 9 Charisma: 7 (-1 to reaction rolls; max 3 retainers; retainer morale 6)
Cure Light Wounds (default memorised twice), Detect Evil, Detect Magic, Light, Protection from Evil, Purify Food and Water, Remove Fear, and Resist Cold
230 gold pieces (temple) 15 gold pieces (backpack)
Chain Mail: 60 gp Holy Symbol: 25 gp Mace: 5 gp Sling (with 30 sling stones): 2 gp Backpack: 5 gp Wineskin: 1 gp Sack (small): 1 gp Tinder Box: 3 gp Iron Rations: 2 weeks (30 gp) Mule (with Saddle bags)
Encumbrance: 523 coins
Movement: 90'/30/90'
Saving Throws
Death Ray or Poison: 11 Magic Wands: 12 Paralysis or Turn to Stone: 14 Dragon Breath: 16 Rods, Staves, or Spells: 15
Lysippe is a member of the Andarys family, and one of the few families to remain completely devoted to the faith of Helios, even after other families converted to that of Apollo. Helios is worshipped as the sun god who knows all, and is worshipped as a god of knowledge and skills of all kinds (particularly craftsmanship), and of ingenuity.
Lysippe is determined to spread the faith of Helios, perhaps even over the seas that surround the island she grew up in; she is particularly determined to see that Helios is restored as a great deity, to be worshipped alongside of Apollo perhaps, but at least to be honoured equally with him.
During her studies, she picked up knowledge of the language of the harpies, from the research journals of a previous (slightly unstable) priest who considered the half-woman half-birds to be sacred to Helios. Alas, he was eventually eaten.