M&M Can Do Anything Night Wizard Kang Ki-Woon

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Kang Ki-woon


Str 10 (+0)

Dex 14 (+2)

Con 20 (+5)

Int 20 (+5)

Wis 20 (+5)

Cha 14 (+2)


Tou +5/+10

Fort +5

Ref +6

Wil +5/+15


Attack +0/+6/+10

Defense +0/+7/+10

Init +2


Knowledge (Arcane Lore) +15 (+20)

Concentration +12 (+17)

Notice +8 (+13)

Search +8 (+13)

Gather Information +15 (+17) (Note-- Ki-Woon does this by talking to spirits, not people.)

Perform (Fortune-teller) +4

Stealth +15

Sense Motive +15 (Spiritual Insight)

Diplomacy +4


Attack Focus (Melee) 6

Dodge Focus 7




Luck 2

Well-Informed (The spirits told him all about you)

Hide in Plain Sight (Shamans just blend in, actually)


Uncanny Dodge

Elusive Target

Evasion 2

Equipment 1


Str Affects Insubstantial 2

Mindshield 10

Super-sense 4: Detect Soul/Spirit, Range, Acute, Analytical

Summon 10, Mental Link, Fanatical, Heroic (Kyung-Hwa)

Alternate Power: Battle Form 10, Slow Fade 1: (Fusion of the Living and the Dead)

--Additional Limbs 2 (Ghostly limbs)

--Shield 3 (Ghostly limbs are good for blocking)

--Protection 5 (Not quite real)

--Super-Senses 3: Radius Vision, Darkvision (Extra set of eyes)

--Flight 3

--Super-Move 1: Permeate 1 ("It's slow to drag this meat body through objects, you know!")

--Attack Focus (Melee) 5

--Strike 10, Alternate Save (Fort), Affects Insubstantial 2 (Ghostly touch)

--Alternate Power: Strike 10, Autofire, Affects Insubstantial 2 (Barrage of Ghost Limbs)

--Alternate Power: Banish 10, Universal, Range (Touch), Area (Cone), Affects Insubstantial 2

Kang Kyung-Hwa[edit]


Str: 0

Dex: 14 (+2)

Con: 0

Int: 16 (+3)

Wis: 16 (+3)

Cha: 16 (+3)


Tou: +10

Fort: *

Ref: +5

Will: +3/+13


Attack: +0/+8

Defense: +0/+10

Initiative: +2


Notice +8 (+11)

Bluff +8 (+11)

Sense Motive +12 (+15)

Knowledge (Arcane) +8 (+11)

Concentration +8 (+11)


Attack Specialization (Possession) 4

Dodge Focus 10


Improved Defense

Uncanny Dodge


Immunity 30 (Fortitude) (30)

Flight 3 (6)

Mindshield 10 (10)

Protection 10 (10)

Regeneration 5 (Recovery Bonus +0) (5)

Super-Senses 4 (Darkvision, Penetrates Concealment) (4)

Concealment 4 (Sight group) Permanent (8)

Incorporeality 4, Permanent (20)

Possession 12, Range: Melee (-2) (24)


Kang Ki-Woon was always the quiet one of the twins-- his sister Kyung-Hwa was bubbly, outgoing, and optimistic. They got along very well, despite this. When they were 14, however, tragedy struck-- a runaway truck struck their family car, killing everyone except for Ki-Woon, his sister embracing him in death in an effort to shield his body with hers. He was still badly injured, losing an eye and taking a year before he could walk again.

Perhaps it was being embraced by death that awakened his shamanic powers. Who can say? But when he visited his family's graves on the anniversary of the accident, and wished for his sister to return, she did, and has stayed at his side since then, advising him, and helping him learn how to use his new powers.