
A large, physically imposing race, the M’Borak hail from the massive, swampy world of M’Bor. The average M’Borak stands over 8 feet tall and weighs over 500 lbs by Human measurement. Many non-M’Borak assume a race so hulking must be slow or stupid, but the M’Borak are neither. They developed spacecraft on their own before joining the galactic community, and despite their size they are as fast and agile as a typical human.
The M’Borak are governed by a hereditary monarchy, one that has long since unified their world under one banner. Most M’Borak colonies and off-world settlements are still subjects of the monarchy, though a small handful did manage to break away during the Great Upheaval. Once the Upheaval ended and M’Borak society restabilized under the New Dynasty, these breakaway colonies have slowly been resubjugated. M’Borak are not common outside of M’Borak space, but that is mostly due to their large size, with everything being designed for beings much smaller than themselves.
While not genocidal, the M’Borak are aggressively expansionistic and will colonize and settle any world they think they can conquer and hold. One such world was Sulanq. The M’Borak intended to terraform the cold world to their liking, estimating that melting most of the ice would result in a wet world not unlike their own. They figured they could easily overpower the smaller native inhabitants, and they were partially correct. For a time, the M’Borak did control the planet of Sulanq, but the native Ennari would eventually take back their world with a concerted guerilla war of resistance, culminating in the assassination of the entire M’Borak ruling monarchy. The decapitation of their leadership threw the M’Borak into disarray, causing the Great Upheaval as distant relatives of the slain monarchy all tried to assume control. Once the dust settled Sulanq was firmly back under native control, leaving the M’Borak and Ennari with a bitter enmity.
Racial Abilities
- Attribute Increase: Str (2)
- Semi-Aquatic (1)
- Size +1 (1)
- Toughness (1)
- Big (-2)
- Racial Enemy: Ennari (-1)