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M-99A2 Bren Pattern Las Rifle:

The development of the Bren Pattern began with the founding of the 1st Sareno regiment of the Imperial Guard. The Sarenoians were looking for a reliable weapon that could be produced quickly. The choice of a las weapon was ideal, as the people of Sareno had a marked dislike of auto and stub weapons because they could pierce the shell of the hive and lead to the loss of entire city.

An acolyte, Bren, working in the cities archives found a faded document with the designs for a full sized las weapon that had been developed sometime during the life of the Emperor. A techpriest was brought in. This techpriest, who's name has been lost to history, assembled a single example of this weapon.

It appeared to be a clunky design but had a simple construction and proved to be very reliable. The design also had a feature that was not commonly found in las weapons, a manual reset for the focusing lenses. Apparently it had been added after complaints that the weapon could become misaligned with jostling or close combat.

The acolyte presented the weapon to the planetary governor. He approved the design and sent it to be produced in the planet's factories.

Field experiences with the weapon led to a few changes. The first was for mounting lugs to add a scope, which was a common addition given the accuracy the weapon possesed. Upgrade packages were produced and sent out to field units. The upgraded weapons were listed as M-99A1. The second upgrade consisted of a reinforced bayonet mounting lug and a storage compartment in the butt of the weapon for a cleaning kit, a spare energy pack, and one day's worth of rations. Now listed as the M-99A2, a new upgrade package was issued. Guardsman recieving the weapon held it in high regard. It also received a notable mention from the Commissars of these units, as the new upgrades meant the weapon was rarely discarded, even by broken or fleeing troops.

STATS: Standard Lasgun /w Melee Attachment, Telescopic Sight, and Storage Compartment. +4 Kg

Cost: 105

Availability: Common

Image: G3 Assault Rifle