Mad Hatter PL10
Mad Hatter: PL 10;
Init +1 (Dex); Defense 17 (16 flat footed); Spd 30 ft; Atk +5 melee (+2L dagger), +6 ranged (+5L Heavy Pistol); SV Dmg +1, Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 20, Wis 14, Cha 14
Skills: (synergies and super bonuses counted.) Bluff 2, Computers 14, Craft (Electronics) 25, Diplomacy 1, Gather Information 6, Intimidate 7, Knowledge (Wonderland) 26, Listen 6, Profession (Scientist) 14, Repair 14, Science (Neurology) 16, Sense Motive 7, Swim 4, Taunt 8
Feats: All Out Attack, Assessment, Skill Focus (Knowledge: Wonderland), Sidekicks, Talented (Craft: Electronics, Neurology)
Powers: Super Intelligence +5 [Extra: Innate; Cost 3pp]
Equipment: Dagger [Cost 2pp], Heavy Pistol [Cost 5pp], Mind Control Chips +10 [Stunt: Mental Link; Extra: Duration becomes Continuous, Mind Blank; Flaw: Device, Obvious, Range becomes Touch]
Weakness: Through the Looking Glass