Mad Thinker

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Mad Thinker

PL 14 (210PP); Init +1; 30ft (Run); Defense 19/18 (8 Base, 1 Dex); BAB +5; +4 Melee, +6 Ranged; SV Dmg +1, Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +3; Str 8, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 8 (Total 47PP)

Skills: Computer 4/+23, SC: Electronics 4/+23, SC: Engineering 4/+23, SC: Mathematics 4/+23, Craft 4/+23, Search 4/+23, Sense Motive 10/+13, Disable Device 3/+22, Spot 2/+5, Listen 2/+5 (Total 41PP)

Feats: Lightning Calculator, Assessment, Headquarters, Leadership, Minions (Total 10PP)

Powers: Computer Brain (Super Inelegance) +14 (Source: Mutation/Technology; Extras: Mental Link [Computers], Precognition [Limited: Normal human actions only], Mind Control [Limited: Computers only]) (Cost 3 / Total 42PP) Hypoxic-Lens (Mind Control) +14 (Source: Technology; Extra: Mind Blank, Area, Selective; Flaw: Device) (Cost 4 / Total 56PP) Gadgets +14 (Source: Technology) (Cost 1 / Total 14PP)