Madcap PL12
PL 12 (180PP); Init +4; 30ft (Run); Defense 21/17 (7Base, 4 Dex); BAB +4; +5 Melee (1S Punch), +8 Ranged, +9 Mental (10 Mental Control); SV Dmg +4, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +10; Str 12, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 20, Cha 14 (Total 60PP)
Skills: Spot 4/+14, Listen 4/+14, Search 4/+5, Acrobatics 3/+7 (Total 15PP)
Feats: None
Powers: Crazing Intuition (Super Wisdom) +5 (Source: Mutation) (Cost 3 / Total 15PP) Forever Alive (Regeneration) +10 (Source: Mutation; Extras: Back from the Brink, Regrowth, Permanent, Reincarnate, Never Say Die, Uncontrolled) (Cost 8 / Total 80PP) Mind Control +10 (Source: Mutation; Flaws: Limited [One Command "Act Goofy"], Limited: [Gaze]) (Cost 1 / Total 10PP)
Equipment: Bubble Gun (Used to draw attention to himself, see Gaze attack); Loud, Garish Clothing