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We who have fallen are still called Angels[edit]

Base Matrix[edit]

STR 10 / +0 Save (+0) || DEX 14 / +2 Save (+2) || CON 14 / +2 Save (+2)

INT 12 / +1 Save (+3) || WIS 18 / +4 Save (+6) || CHA 8 / -1 Save (-1)

Proficiency: +2 | Initiative: +2 | AC : 16 | HP: 10 | Resistance: Fire | Size: M | Speed: 30 | Darkvision: 60' | Alignment: LN

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Class: Druid/L1[edit]

Druid Circle: Land (Forest)

Spell Att: +6 | Spell Save DC: 14

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Quarterstaff: +6 [to hit] | 1d6/1d8+4 [damage] | 1d4+4 [bonus damage] | Versatile (1d8)
[+2 to hit/+0 damage w/o Shillelagh]
Dagger: +4 [to hit] | 1d4+2 [damage] | Finesse/Light/Thrown [20/60]


Hide + Shield: [AC 16]

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Spell Att: +6 | Spell Save DC: 14 | Spell Slots: 2/Li

Hellish Rebuke: /Long rest [L3] | Darkness: /Long rest [L5]

Cantrips: Shillelagh | Druidcraft

L1 Spells: Cure Wounds (1d8+4) | Detect Magic | Entangle | Faerie Fire | Speak w/Animals

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Telepathy: Speak telepathically to any creature [60'/LoS] | Must share language to be understood. | Detect Thoughts: /Long rest

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Skills: Athletics [+2] | Acrobatics [+2] | Animal Handling [+4] | Arcana [+i] | Deception [-1] | History [+1] | Insight [+6] | Intimidation [-1] | Investigation [+1] (passive 11) | Medicine [+4] | Nature [+1] | Perception [+6] (passive 16) | Performance [-1] | Persuasion [-1] | Religion [+1] | Slight of Hand [+2] | Stealth [+2] | Survival [+6]

Tools: Flute | Herbalism Kit

Languages: Common | Druidic | Dwarven | Elvish

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Staff | Dagger | Hide Armor | Wooden Shield | Explorer's Pack (bedroll, mess, tinder, torches-10, rations-10d, waterskin) | 8 gp

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Background: Outlander[edit]

Origin: Exile | Feature: Wanderer

Trait: I was abandoned at birth by my own people. This continues to inform my dealings with all who dwell beneath the sky.

Ideal: I side with the beasts. Nature may kill you. People will betray you.

Bond: I am the Power that Preserves. I will stand until I fall. Then I will continue the fight on my belly.

Flaw: I am an untended fire in a dry and brittle land. May the earth forgive me.

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Race: Bloodtail Tiefling | Gender: F (She/Her/They/Them) | Age: 28 | Skin: Pale to Crimson | Hair: White | Eyes: Black | Features: Broken horn; Barbed tail; Forest Dwarf tattoos

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