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Founding principles

  1. Magic should be fun and easy to use.
  2. Spellcasters should be able to cast as many spells as they can (and this can be kept in check with a risk/reward system)
  3. Including torg concepts such as backlash, axioms, etc


  • In torglike, spellcasters roll their dicepool to determine whether they have successful cast a spell.
  • Resist is equal to the average of Spirit and Spellcasting
  • Every character has a resist value (works similar to threat in combat). Resist may change according to circumstance.
  • To successful cast a spell against/on another character, roll Knowledge + Spellcasting
    • Width 2 sets work only if they are equal to or greater than the enemy's resist. Eg. a 2x6 set spell will work on someone with a resist of 6 or less. It won't work on the foe with a resist of 7
    • Width 3 or greater sets do NOT need to roll equal to or over resist. (Otherwise spells are too underpowered)
  • To successful cast a spell that is not against a foe (non-offensive), then generally there is no difficulty number to beat. Any set will mean a success.
  • There are also circumstance modifiers that affect the chance of casting spells
    • under no/minimal pressure to cast the spell (eg. not in combat and not time critical) +2d
    • casting the spell in a ritual-like manner (with preparation time, ingredients and paraphernalia, etc) +2d


  • Actively resisting does not involve dice, it is a full round action, and cannot be used in a multiple-action. Sets of all widths that round must be equal or greater than resist to hit (e.g width 3 sets must now be equal or greater than resist (which means that critical effects are less likely. In effect, actively resisting doesn't do anything *in reducing the chance of a minimal success, but has a huge effect on minimising the chance of experiencing critical effects)


  • If the spell fails (dice pool has no successes or does not beat the resist value), then the spellcaster has a -1d penalty to all future spellcasting rolls (until the caster has rested/meditated). This penalty increases by an additional -1d for every successive failed spellcasting roll.
    • eg. a spellcaster with 7 dice pool fails at casting a magic missile. From now on, his dice pool is 6. He next tries to cast a fireball with 6 dice pool, and succeeds. His dice pool stays at 6. If he then fails at casting a sleep spell, his dice pool would now be 5. After resting for the night, the spellcaster's dice pool resets to 7. (with this system , there is no need for a mana mechanic or fixing the number of spells that can be cast per day. Also, the spells with the greatest effect (greatest width), are spells cast when the spellcaster is his freshest. As he casts more spells in a day, his chance of success lessens, as well as the strength of his spells. i.e. unsuccessfully casting spells is fatiguing).


The quality of a success is different in Torglike Spellcasting (and is akin to torglike combat). Each spell has a table that details the result of different width successes. Width 2 = minimal success, Width 3 = adequate success, Width 4 = Good success, Width 5 = Spectacular success


  • Magic Missile
    • diff = Resist of foe
      • Width2
      • Width3
      • Width4
      • Width5
  • Burst of Light
    • diff = No difficulty
      • Width2
      • Width3
      • Width4
      • Width5