Maid Chateau des deux Pieces:Charons Crossing
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The Town of Charon's Crossing[edit]
Charon's Crossing[edit]
The Chateau is at the edge of the town of Charon's Crossing, a small town in Colorado nestled at the mouth of a valley in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Prospectors work the hills looking for gold and ranchers the grassy plains leading to the valley. Small homesteader farms pepper the landscape beyond the valley. The Durango and Silverton Railroad line passes by the valley, hauling goods and people in from back East, and carrying away ore.
Notable Locations[edit]
- Catalog General Store Run by Miss Catherine Carson [Nekomimi, Accent: Meow, Criminal: Killer], a cute woman with cat ears and a tendency to add ~nyan to words when she speaks. The Catalog carries all sorts of merchandise, some of dubious legality or practicality (is there really that much demand for cat-o-nine-tails in 5 different colors?). Miss Catherine seems very pleasant, but people that cross her have an alarming tendency to disappear at night.
- Harrowed's Fine Clothing Run by Mr. Johnny Harrowed [Bishonen, Shadow Clan, Amnesiac], a very pretty man in his early 30s with bad habit of appearing out of nowhere behind customers to ask if they need any assistance. He doesn't recall why he has a store, or exactly who he gets his merchandise from, but don't think for a moment that he'll forget your bill.
- Last Rest Boarding House Operated by Mrs. Edith Jones [Accessory: Pet(ferret), Neat Freak, Membership: Evil Secret Society] and her husband Mr. Sawyer Jones [Burns, Misshapen Body, One Eye]. It's a lovely place and you can check out any time you like, but their boarders seem to rarely leave.
- St. Jude's Church Father Tobias Dubois [My Pace, Narrow Eyes (think Gin Ichimaru from Bleach), Emaciated] is the preacher. He's pretty laid back about the odder people in town and doesn't seem the sort to pick a fight, but he's a got a weird vibe to him. He's assisted by Sister Patience [Perversion: Exhibitionist, Tragic Love: Lover Died, Secret Job: Assassin] who never seems to quite be in her habit. Several young girls from the homesteaders serve as nuns during services.
- Cobbler's Graveyard and Funeral Home The undertaker is Jim Finch [Vampire, Mummy, Sunglasses]. He's an absolute wizard with corpses, capable of having them drained and embalmed minutes. The gravedigger is Sally Church [Overactive Imagination, Stalker(Mistress Amelia Saint-Just), Vampire].
- The Gallows The hangman, Tom Swing [Former Mercenary, Attractive, Shibui (A real suave gentleman; think James Bond on a good day)] is usually found at the Jail next door. He fought on both sides of the Civil War and retired to Charon's Crossing hoping to find a wife. Hanging people is just his day job; a night he's a real lady-killer.
- The Jail Sheriff Qi Fang [Membership: Shadow Clan, Uniform: China Dress, Elf Ears] tries to keep the peace in Charon's Crossing. For some reason she's always very polite to Mistress Saint-Just. Her cute appearance has fooled many a lawbreaker, once. Only the exceptionally stupid are fooled twice. Her deputy is Robert Clock [Android, Patchwork, White Eyes]. No one is quite sure where he came from, but he's handy for bending the cell bars back after the stronger class of outlaws break out.
- Town Hall Townsfolk gather here to discuss stuff and generally bother Mayor Richard Thimble [Sadist, Glasses, Quiet]. He's a short, slender man with a very quiet demeanor. He's quite fond of his butterfly collection. He's mayor mainly because no one else wanted to be. He has a tendency to get very nervous around Mistress Saint-Just.
- Main Street Bank and General Surgery The banker is Horace Keller [Knight Talk, Doctor, Sportsman], who also serves as the town doctor. He has a small surgical office set up in the back of the bank. The bank teller, Jenny Byrd [Shy, Membership: Evil Secret Society], Doctor/Pharmacist] acts as his nurse during operations.
- Whippet's Barber and Dentistry Fanny Whippet [Piercings, Brown Skin, Accent: Southern] works here, always ready to take a little off the top or pry out a troublesome tooth. She also offer piercings for all parts, but she doesn't get many takers.
- The Schoolhouse Miss Hannah Stork [Hairstyle: Antenna Hair, Magic: Western Magician, Secret Job: Assassin] teaches the town children, including Mistress Saint-Just and any of the PCs younger than 16. When they can be bothered to actually come to school. She seems very prim and proper.
- Post Office Jack Spaniel [Quiet, Bishonen, Former Mercenary] is the postmaster and also serves as the telegraph operator. He was a drummer boy in the Union army and somehow came through it with his looks intact. He likes things very quiet and seems to always be startled when the telegraph starts clacking, or when the big clock on top of the post office chimes the hour.
- Earnest Coach House Jim Earnest [Muscular, Wanted, Furrowed Brows] runs the coach house, providing rooms and cheap drinks for people just passing through Charon's Crossing. He doesn't talk about his past, but he tends to disappear into the back room whenever Marshall Lance stops in for a drink. There's a stable attached for people to leave their horses. Jim also serves as the town blacksmith and there's a forge, if your horse needs new shoes or a plow needs fixing.
- Charon's Crossing Railroad Station Passenger trains stop by once a week, freight trains once a month or so. You can buy tickets at the General Store.
- The Garden of Delight The town brothel. Madame Ilsa Koenig [Shapeshifter: Raven, Monster: Succubus, Brown Skin] views the Chateau as a rival, but is a least polite toward Mistress Saint-Just. The cast of girls at the brothel changes from time to time, but Maria Martinez [Glasses, Magic: Onmyougj; Tragic Love: Killed Your Lover] is always popular.
- Bergman's Barrels George Bergman [Shibui, Cyborg, Amnesiac] makes barrels (and coffins). That's about all there is to know about him.
- Olsen's Distillery Run by Jenna Olsen [Freckles, Shapeshifter: Tiger, Neat Freak], the distillery produces enough cheap booze to supply the town.
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