Maid Chateau des deux Pieces:Chateau

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Château des deux Pièces[edit]

The Chateau[edit]

The Chateau is a large European style mansion. Above the front doors is a large sign with the name and underneath a bony hand holding a pair of dice showing snake-eyes. The pips have been replaced by pennies.

It was built about 20 years ago by a relative of the Mistress and is in good repair. The exterior is predominately gray wood fish scale siding. The metal fixtures are silver, including the weather vane at the top (a skeleton with a scythe). The windows are large and let in plenty of light during the day, but there are heavy drapes over most of them.

Locations within the Chateau[edit]

The First Floor The casino level. There are no windows on this floor.

  1. Entry Hall A short hallway with a door to a cloakroom on the right and to the barred window of the cashier's office on the left where visitors can purchase chips. At the end of the hall are double doors leading to the main ballroom.
  2. Cloakroom You can hang up your coat and knock the mud off your boots here.
  3. Cashier's Office Where money is handled and chips bought. There's a barred window viewing the entry hall and another view the main ballroom. A door leads to the Assaying Room.
  4. Main Ballroom Where all the action is. There are several tables for card games, a craps table, and a roulette wheel. A pair of flying staircases lead to the upper floor. The Mistress' Box looks down from between the stairs. Underneath the box are double doors leading to the theater. Doors lead to the restrooms, the private salons, and the kitchen. The ceiling is high, taking up all of the 2nd floor as well. Three massive chandeliers provide the light.
  5. Assaying Room This is where maids can test ore nuggets and coins for purity and assess their value.
  6. Ice Room Ice and meat is kept here, along with anything else that needs to be kept cold.
  7. Kitchen The main kitchen. There's an in door and an out door to keep the harried waitresses from running into each other.
  8. Staircase Down Staircase down to the basement, laundry, vault, and wine cellar.
  9. Pantry Storage for food and ingredients.
  10. Prop Room Where props are stored for use in the burlesque shows.
  11. Costume Room Where costumes are stored for use in the burlesque shows.
  12. Staircase Up Staircase up to the second floor.
  13. Changing Room Room for changing costumes for the burlesque shows.
  14. Backstage Backstage in the theater.
  15. The Stage The stage where the shows are put on. A heavy curtains separates it from backstage.
  16. The Theater Where guests sit and watch the shows. There are numerous small tables and the lighting is very subdued.
  17. Men's Bath A bath for male guests.
  18. Women's Bath A bath for female guests.
  19. Bedroom A bedroom for overnight guests or gamblers that don't know when to go home.
  20. Private Salon A salon for gamblers that want some privacy.
  21. Restroom A restroom for guests using the private salons. Used by men and women.
  22. Women's Room A restroom for female gamblers.
  23. Men's Room A restroom for male gamblers.

Second Floor

Here there are about 20 bedrooms, the Mistress' Bedroom and bath, and several smaller baths for the staff to use. The Mistress' Box is entered from up here, and looks down on the casino floor. Mistress Amelia can be found here most nights, watching the gambling and doing her homework. All of the rooms have windows.


All manner of stuff that sees infrequent use is stored down here. There's a massive boiler to provide hot water. Water comes from an underground river that passes beneath the mansion (it used to flow on the surface but changed course about 20 years ago. When it was on the surface it was called the Styx.

The laundry room is down here as well, so the scent of detergent fills the air. The vault is also down here, a massive metal room with 2 foot thick walls and a very serious door. The wine cellar holds a collection of fine vintages for those that don't drink blood.

The Bar There is a well stocked bar in the main room, near the craps table.

The Stable Besides the hitching posts in the front, there is a stable in the back. Make sure Karl doesn't eat the horses!

The Staff

Besides the maids, there's a small army of nearly identical young women who handle the tasks the maids are too busy to deal with and man the posts in the casino that the maids aren't covering. They can more or less be treated as scenery. They have no effect if they're assisting a maid, but if they have to do something on their own, they are considered to have a 1 in all attributes.

Duty Stations

There's lots of ways for Maids to stay busy in the casino. The following duties have to be filled each night, either by maids or by the staff.

Cashier, Assayer, Main room waitress, Theater waitress, Cook, Floor security, Crap's Table, Roulette Wheel, Dealer (4), Attendant in the private salons (2), Gofer (fetching things for the kitchen, clearing away used dishes, cleaning up messes, etc.), Mistress' Attendant (stay with Amelia to do whatever she asks, help her with her homework, etc.), Burlesque dancer.

The Old Well

There's an old, spooky well behind the mansion, in the middle of the garden. At the bottom is the river Styx. If you make a wish at it, something bad almost always happens.

The Pool

Also in the garden is a decorative pool. It's very pretty, if you ignore Karl the resident crocodile. Fortunately he likes the maids and the mistress. If somebody pokes Karl, he has a 3 in all attributes.


Besides occasional tournaments or theme days where the staff (and maids) wear outfits of the Mistress' choosing, there are nightly burlesque shows to entertain the guests that need a break from gambling. Most of the time it's the staff up on the stage, but occasionally the Mistress will make the maids perform. Sometimes Madame Koneig sends her girls over to put on a show to drum up business for the Garden of Delight.

The Mistress[edit]

Mistress Amelia was a distant relative of the main branch of the family living quietly in New York City, her parents being of modest means. Unexpectedly, when the head of the family died, he left the Chateau des Deux Pieces to Amelia, on the condition that she run it by herself. She jumped at the chance and moved out west, recruiting maids on the way.

She's very laid back, taking everything on her terms. She's a vampire of course, so she sunburns easily. Her hair is long and formed into a pair of big springy drills. Maybe it's due to her own calm and collected nature, but she likes maids that have a cool even temperament. Of course even she's not placid all the time; when she gets really stressed out (say, due to having problems with her homework) she flies into violent rages. Perhaps she just acts laid back to restrain her violent impulses?

The local politicians seem to be afraid of her connections back East, and are quick to help her out when she makes a 'request'. Due to secret terms in the family head's will, she has a large amount of pull back East. If things get too bad, she can call in favors and get some enforcers sent to deal with the problem.

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