Maid Chateau des deux Pieces:player characters
Mistress Amelia Saint-Just[edit]
Age: 13
Hair: Gold
Eyes: Metallic, like a pair of mirrors
Clothes: purple and blue
Type: Layman
Qualities: Undead (Vampire), My Pace (Laid Back)
Power Source: Political Power (has dirt on local politicians), Political Power (can call in favors from back East)
Preferred Maid Type: Cool
Stress Explosion: Violence
Attributes: Athletics 2, Affection 2, Skill 0, Cunning 1, Luck 1, Will 2
Château des deux Pièces (House of the Two Coins):
Mansion Appearance: Casino
Mansion Colors: Silver and Grey
Mansion Facilities: Outdoor Pool (with crocodile (attributes 3)), Old Well (can spend Favor to get a Horror random event)
World: Old West
Mood: Light Hearted
Annabeth Hoyle[edit]

Age: 18
Athletics 3
Affection 1
Skill 2
Cunning 4
Luck 0
Will 2
Favor 2
Spirit 20
Heart 35
Type: Sexy Boyish
Colors: Red uniform, White hair, Pink eyes
Qualities: Shapeshifter (Spider), Albino, Vampire
Roots: Orphan
Stress Explosion: Binge
Weapon: Exotic Weapon: Spiderwebs
Power: Trap
Trauma: Horrible Accident
Physical Complex: Hair/Eye Color
Mental Complex: Loneliness
Annabeth's family, like so many others, emigrated to America in the hopes of finding a new life in a new nation. America, a land of freedom where a blood-drinking werespider could be a blood-drinking werespider!
Unfortunately, things worked out rather poorly for them-- a tragic railway accident killed her family, leaving Annabeth an orphan shortly after her birth. Luckily (?), the master's family took her in and raised the young werespider, and she serves the family as a bartender and casino design consultant.
Annabeth's cunning in talking customers out of their money is valuable to the casino, as is her knack for having spiderwebs planted in convenient locations in advance. Her thirst for blood, and almost pathological need for close physical contact, however, are somewhat less so. Her loneliness is inevitable, however-- while she can hide her spider nature, she can't cover up her albinism, and she's the only werespider she's ever heard of. She can't even remember anything about the faces of her parents, and has no idea where her family originally came from... even her name isn't the one she was born with!
Bernadette Crocell (ベルナデット・クロセル)[edit]

Nicknames: "Bernadette the Guillotine", Bern, Beru-neesama, Beru-nee
Age: Appears 24
"Don't think you can cause trouble in my Mistress's halls. I can take your head faster than you can reach for that gun."
Athletics 3 ("If you dare to touch my Mistress, you'll have to answer to my axe.")
Affection 1 ("Well, I suppose I should compliment you.")
Skill 3 ("Chopping cabbages isn't too different from chopping heads.")
Cunning 1 ("Fine, I'm convinced. Now cease your babbling and proceed.")
Luck 0 ("I shouldn't be discouraged. Some extent of failure is expected of all of us.")
Will 3 ("I am at your side Mistress, now and forever.")
Favor: 18
Spirit: 30 ("I will warn you once: do not provoke me. You won't like the results.")
Heart: 40 ("Oh... that's nice, I suppose.")
Type: Cool Heroine ("Straighten yourselves up, girls. There is work to be done!")
Colors: Silver (Hair) Orange (Uniform) Silver (Eyes)
Qualities: Glasses, Demon, Killer (Criminal Tendencies)
Roots: Distant Relative ("You may not remember me, but your Uncle Barbatos arranged for my service to your estate.")
Stress Explosion: Rampage ("S-such insolence...! Know my wrath, for I am the Headsman of Hell!")
Weapon: Headsman's Axe (Polearm) ("Pistols? Rifles? Mere toys. A hell executioner needs nothing but a sharp edge and a neck to swing at!")
Power: Weapon from Nowhere (Athletics) ("A headsman's axe follows the shadow of death. Look beneath you; can you see its edge hungering for your neck?")
Trauma: Betrayed by Close Friend ("I sincerely hope you aren't lying to me. I don't treat liars kindly.")
Physical Complex: Big Breasts ("It feels like my blouse keeps shrinking...")
Mental Complex: Jittery ("I won't take your insults lightly! Apologize, or I'll simply take an arm as penance!")
Bernadette is a demoness executioner from Hell whose family shares blood with the Mistress's vampiric lineage. This bespectacled beauty has sleek, silver hair and a cold steely gaze. She is called 'Bernadette the Guillotine' by unfortunate passerbys for the large headsman's axe that she is never seen without, and can summon to her side at will. Immaculate and precise, Bernadette is a maid of exceptional talent, but is aloof and distant, lacking empathy for anyone besides the Mistress. Bern's general sense of distrust was caused by a fellow demon from hell who befriended her, only to use underhanded subterfuge to steal her position of Hell Executioner and reduce Bern to a demon maid. As a result, she is stern and prideful, but is prone to fits of anger and will even turn her ire upon the Mistress if pushed too far.
Fun Fact: She is extremely embarrassed about her exceptionally large chest, and acts uncharacteristically shy whenever attention is brought to it.
Bern the Guillotine, on:
- Masano Fukushima (Smoking Klepto Loli Loli): "This isn't a nursery, I have no time to put up with your games. ...and put that vase down this instant!"
- Mathyld Grange (Cool Boyish Machinegun-toting Zombie Survivor): "Your circumstances don't concern me in the slightest. Just do your job and don't displease the Mistress."
- Lettie Jackson (Sexy Boyish Pseudo-Oriental Shamanistic Jackalope Girl): "I will accept no higher power than our Mistress. If you have any sense about you, you should do the same."
- Annebeth Hoyle (Sexy Boyish Crazy-Prepared Blood-Drinking Were-Spider): "Your immaculate sense of prudence is to be admired. But please, stop following me around. I don't like people watching me in the changing room."
- Celste LaDiable (Pure and Loveable Pettanko Succubus Maid Chef): "W-what are you looking at? I don't like them this big either, you know..."
Mathyld Grange[edit]

Age: 17 years
Also answers to Mathy or Mat-chan, although excess familiarity too soon may make her edgy.
Types: Boyish, Cool
Hair: Cream
Eyes: Red
Uniform: Beige
Athletics 4
Affection 2
Skill 3
Cunning 2
Luck 2
Will 2
Favor 4
Spirit 20
Heart 30
Qualities: Quiet, Freckles, Trauma (Killed her Parents)
Physical Complex: Big Butt
Mental Complex: Inexperienced in Love
Roots: Orphan
Stress Explosion: Rampage
Power: Iron Wall
Weapon: Machine Gun
A calm, quiet young lady from far out of town. She has a smooth but deliberate motion, well-suited to the tasks of a maid, although some might perceive her as sluggish. While she was still very young, her monster-hunter parents were infected with Zombie Rot and became mindless monsters; using her father's machine gun, she slaughtered them both. Since these grim incidents, she's been rather... strange. While nice enough on the surface, there's a sickly, nervous twitch to her smile, her eyes open just a little too wide as she looks you right in the face when she speaks to you. After a period of wandering and aimlessness, she was taken in by the master and now serves him in his casino estate as a maid. In this new place, she's determined to put the past behind her and live a happy life.
Further notes: is unaware of her shapeliness and does not factor it into her interactions; carries her weapon at all times even when sleeping.
Celste LaDiable[edit]

Athletics: 2 (I can run if I have too)
Affection: 5 (<3 Tehee, My capicity for love is infinte)
Skill: 3 (Don't worry Master this is easy for me!)
Cunning: 0 (Oh.. so this magic bean will let me reach the gates of Heaven?)
Luck: 2 (You win some you lose some)
Will: 3 (Nothing will come betwean me and the master)
Favor: 10
Stress: 30
Heart: 20
Tramua: Targeted by a Stalker (Someone keeps following me I know it!)
Phyiscal Complex: Flat chested (It's not fair! everyone else is bigger than me)
Mental Complex: Afection (Nonononono don't touch me...)
Uniform Color: beige
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: pink
Maid Types: Pure & Pure
Special Qualities: Albino, Succubus, Runaway
Favored Attribute: Affection
Maid Power: Cooked With Love
Maid Roots: Admirer of Maids
Maid Weapon: Hammer
Stress Explosion: Spoiled Child
Your name is Celste LaDiable; You are 20 years old. You have sky blue eyes and indigo hair, and wear a beige maid uniform. You are very pure; others describe you as maidenly, clean and fragile.
You are an albino, giving you a very pale, nearly colorless complexion. You are actually a succubus, a demon that traps your prey by arousing their desires; you feature a few demonic traits that can be displayed or hidden at will. You fled your real home without permission.
You have long admired maids, and through much hard work you've finally become one yourself. In combat, you wield a hammer, either a claw hammer, a warhammer or a squeaky toy hammer. When you are extremely upset, you start persistently tormeting the other maids. Due to your notable Affection, you have the ability Cooked With Love. When someone eats food you've prepared, they lose 1d6 Stress.
- Masano Fukushima (Smoking Klepto Loli Loli): "So cute but should really stop smoking!"
- Mathyld Grange (Cool Boyish Machinegun-toting Zombie Survivor): "Had such a hard life I'm sure things will be better here"
- Teresa (Cool Boyish Vampire Maid Seeking Penance): "Why would you be a maid to punish yourself? Maids are greatest thing on earth or hell"
- Lettie Jackson (Sexy Boyish Pseudo-Oriental Shamanistic Jackalope Girl): "Not sure I like having a priestess around...They worry me"
- Annebeth Hoyle (Sexy Boyish Crazy-Prepared Blood-Drinking Were-Spider): "I know what its like to be alone in the world, but at least I have ahome to go back to, but no touching!"
- Bernadette Crocell (Cool Heroic Glass wearing, Killer demon): "Its not fair! she has huge breasts and doesn't even want them... Plus she might try and drag me home"
Fukushima Masano[edit]

Loli Loli Maid
Green Hair - Emerald, dark, near black
Blue Eyes - Dark as a sunset sky
Age 7
Wears a Golden Coloured Maid Uniform
Her Roots - Who Knows, Masano is a short Mystery, wrapped in a gold uniform
She is something if a Delinquent, with a cigarette often in her mouth (has that stunted her growth?) She has Criminal tendencies and happily steals things, she likes her shinies... Maybe she is part magpie?(Kleptomaniac)
Over Active imagination... Oh dear, she is often lost in her own fantasies.
Weapon of Choice - A scalpel... creepy.
Dark Past - Betrayed by her Lover! Hey, no worries, her Lover was her Teddy Bear, and only in her imagination did he betray her. Still, she does not trust teddy bears any more!
Physical Complex, she looks younger than her 7 years! Hey, what is that preschooler doing in the casino? Did they open a day care?
Mental Complex, belonging, she really is clingy, needing to belong to the group.
Stress Explosion: Rampage! Watch out, the kid with the scalpel is having a temper tantrum!
Power - Saw It! She knows what is going on in the Mansion!
Spirit 40
Favour 2
Athletics 0 (I'm short, slow down, I can't keep up, wah!)
Affection 1 (After Mr. Paddington betrayed me I have little love left in my heart)
Skill 3 (But I am good at my job)
Cunning 3 (and clever)
Luck 5 (and when those two don't do it, I can catch a break)
Will 4 (and good luck dissuading me from things)
- Annabeth Hoyle - 'Ahhhhh! Spider monster, don't kill me!'
- Bernadette Crocell - 'Ahhhhhh, huge breasts! Run away!'
- Celste LaDiable - 'Onechan! Don't worry. Your breasts are bigger than mine!'
- Teresa - 'Wow, you got pink eyes!'
- Lettie Jackson - 'Here comes Lettie cotton tail.... Why are you praying?'
- Mathyld Grange - 'Can I see your machine gun, can I, can I? Ahhhhhh, Machinegun Onechan is shooting up the place!'
Lettie Jackson[edit]

Age: 16
Athletics 4 (Ah can wrassle a hog with the best of 'em!)
Affection 1 (Don't need no one but mahself.)
Skill 1 (Ah'm more used to huntin' gophers than this fancy maid stuff.)
Cunning 1 (Ah'm just a country girl. Don't know much about city-folk.)
Luck 2 (Ah got me 4 rabbits foots, but they ain't doin' me much.)
Will 0 (Woe is me! How will Ah ever pay off Daddy's debts?)
Favor: 2 (Don't know if Mistress likes me much...)
Spirit: 0 (I'm so STRESSSSSSSED!)
Heart: 25 (Ain't never gonna let anyone step on mah heart again!)
Maid Type: Sexy, Boyish (Call me a tomboy and Ah'll whup you!)
Uniform: Beige
Eyes: Beige (matches her uniform...)
Hair: Indigo (Just like Momma)
Uniform--kappogi (Mah sole possession)
Shapeshifter--bunny/jackalope (Runs in the family...)
Magic--priestess (Gonna follow in Momma's footsteps.)
Roots: Debts (Daddy done left us in the poorhouse.)
Stress Explosion: Prayer (Jackalope Goddess give me strength!)
Weapon: Bola (I can take down a steer from a hunnerd yards.)
Weapon from nowhere (Don't mess with me...)
Iron Wall (Ah said, don't mess with me!)
Trauma: Betrayed by lover (Don't wanna talk 'bout that now...)
Physical Complex: Looks older (Lettie, plain and tall.)
Mental Complex: Clumsy (Huntin' prairie dogs is easy, pourin' tea is hard work!)
Lettie hails from a clan of were-jackalopes where she is the daughter of the shaman and the high priestess. She was expected to inherit the role of high priestess, but unfortunately Daddy took to gambling in the saloon called "The Garden of Delight"--or at least he says he was just gambling there. Momma was fit to be tied of course when she heard about it and they had a right row. Now Lettie has to work to pay off Daddy's debts. Inheriting nothing but the kappongi uniform that Daddy won in a card game from some down-on-their-luck traveling kitsune, Lettie has taken up a maid's job at the Master's casino. Like many frontier girls, she is rather tomboyish but she takes her family's priestess duties seriously.
Concerning the other folks:
- Mistress Amelia Saint-Just - "Ah'm mighty grateful for you takin' me in, Ma'am."
- Fukushima Masano - "Well, ain't you the cutest thing!"
- Celste LaDiable - "Excuse me, princess! Hmph!"
- Mathyld Grange - "Sounds like a nice country girl--just like me!"
- Bernadette Crocell - "That demon girl sounds a bit uppity."
- Annabeth Hoyle - "Us were-folk always get the short end of the stick, don't we?"
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