Main Page WMM
The Words That Maketh Murder[edit]
A freeform Cthulhu campaign based on the Endless Lies campaign.
Main links[edit]
Player Characters[edit]
Albert Jacobs, Drifter played by Baeraad
Callum Harcourt, Author played by Mr. Kent
Daniel Hawthorne, Military Veteran played by Advocate
Dr Johan Faber, Medical Doctor played by Michael Kaiten
Former Player Characters[edit]
Paul Black, Occultist played by Yadal
Randall C Arnold, Archaeologist played by UnknownCorrespondent
Non Player Characters[edit]
Winston's original investigators[edit]
F.C. Kullman Wheelchair-bound occultist
Vincent Stack - the muscle of the group
Katherine Clark - photographer
Henslowe and Winston - see Chicago and Savannah sections.
Janet Winston-Rogers, your patron
Walter Winston, deceased occult investigator
Frank Kearns, Ms Winston-Rogers' pilot
Savannah, Georgia[edit]
Douglas Henslowe, a fellow investigator of Walter Winston, currently at Joy Grove asylum
Doctor Keaton, Henslowe's doctor at Joy Grove
Edgar Job, patient at Joy Grove and ex-cultist
John Currothers, servant in residence at the Henslowe Estate
Old Mother Henslowe, Douglas' mother, at the Henslowe Estate
Los Angeles[edit]
Ramon Echevarria - cult leader
George Ayers - UCLA Anthropologist, last heard of in Ethiopia
Abraham Buchwald - accountant to the cult
Richard Spend / Ricardo Spenzel - Actor caught up in the cult
Olivia Clarendon A List film star, peripheral part of the cult
Yolanda Spenzel - sister of Richard Spend
Samson Trammel - Took over the remnants of the cult after Echevarria died in the farm ceremony incident?
S.S. - Sent letters to Trammel. Appears to be Siamese, scholarly.
Daniel Lowman - American living at the address given in the S.S. correspondence.
George Ayers - see Los Angeles
Bartolo Acuna - leader of archaeological expedition that involved Ayers.
Mexico City[edit]
J. B. - leader of cult in Mexico City? Connected with Luz Discos. Wrote letters to Trammel.
Montgomery Donovan - apparent leader of cult in Malta? Wrote letters to Trammel.
Links to Maps and Clues[edit]
Photo of the back of the Henslowe estate house
Plan of the Henslowe Graveyard
Plan of Henslowe Graveyard with twine
Contents of the box hidden in the graveyard
Henslowe's letter to Winston from the box
LA Herald copy about Richard Spend's death
Trammel's book found in his mansion
New thing I'm going to introduce as things start to get more hairy - every now and then when you witness something shocking, I'm going to make a roll to see if it hits your sanity. If so, I'll make a spoilered post like this one, with something like "Callum, as the man grabs your ankle, you suffer a minor shock." When you next reply, please use that cue to relate how it affects you. There's 3 ranks of shock - minor shock is stuff like dropping what you were carrying (or possibly in the case of a gun, panicking and pulling the trigger at whatever's scared you), letting out an involuntary yelp and jumping, running in the opposite direction, cowering in fear, clutching at or lashing out at those around you, or losing control of your bowels or vomiting at the sight of whatever it is. For major shocks, fainting dead away, gaining a phobia (related to whatever you're seeing and which will affect you in the future when triggered - I can work with you on this one), having a psychotic break, or running screaming, heedless of your own safety or those of others. For massive shocks, there's really only one of two options - permanent and immediate insanity, or death from cardiac arrest. If you can come up with something along these lines that's equally horrible to suffer, then feel free to do so - these are only suggestions. Whatever it is, it should have negative effects though.