Malavek Da'sallo

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The Da'sallo Dynasty is not an old one, in fact Malavek is just the second holder of the Da'sallo Warrant of trade. The Founder of the House, His grand father Jalasco Da'sallo was a wicked, under handed and cunning man. Once in the Employ of House Alntro. Jalasco allegedly Killed the Then Warrant holder Ballamus Alntro and Fled into the expanse aboard a hijacked House Alntro ship. It is said he along with a crew of cut throats and pirates used stolen Alntro secrets to uncover a great treasure in the expanse. No one, not even Malaverk knows what it was but, His grand father used it as leverage and Gained himself a warrant of Trade.

For his Part Malaverk was born in footfall, illegitimate son of Jalasco's second son Millus. Malaverk grew up Ignored by his father and took to the rough and trouble life among the under world of footfall. His childhood was bloody and he learned to hold his own and keep secrets early. He also became well known among the voidborn of footfall, its underclass and workers. He knew how they lived and how they thought. Malaverk took to the void with crews of cut throats and raiders. He learned how they worked, how to run a ship and how to stay alive, what lanes to travel and what places to avoid. Maybe he would have lived a short deadly life among the outcasts, if his Father and his father ligitment son had not gotten them selves killed by a Alntro retaliatory strike.

Old Man Jalasco was getting on in his years and found himself with no living Heirs. It so happened his money and connections was able to hunt down a few offspring of his children. He took an interest in Malaverk and brought the young man on board. Maybe he saw himself in malavek. What ever the case he found himself groomed by the crafty old man to not only take over what he had built but to ruthlessly expand it.


Character Name Player Name Career Path Ship's Role Rank Experience
Malavek Da'sallo Seeker of shadowlight Rogue Trader The Hand of God 1 5'000
Home World Birthright Lure of the Void Trials and Travails Motivation Lineage
Footfallen Stubjack Duty to your Dynasty Dark Voyage No Joy Unexplored Of Extensive means
Weapon Skill Ballistic Skill Strength Toughness Agility Intelligence Perception Willpower Fellowship Wounds Fate Insanity Corruption
31 40 32 33 37 38 32 36 41 8 2 9 1


Untrained Basic skills

   Awareness(Per): 16
   Barter(Fel): 20
   Carouse(T): 16
   Charm(Fel): 20
   Climb(S): 16
   Concealment(Ag): 18
   Contortionist(Ag): 18
   Deceive(Fel): 20
   Disguise(Fel): 20
   Dodge(Ag): 18
   Gamble(Int): 19
   Inquiry(Fel): 20
   Intimidate(S): 16
   Logic(Int): 19
   Scrutiny(Per): 16
   Search(Per): 16
   Silent Move(Ag):18
   Speak Language(Int): 9
   Swim(S): 16

Trained skills

   Carouse(T): 33
   Command(Fel): 41
   Commerce(Fel): 41
   Common Lore-Koronus Expanse(Int): 38
   Common Lore Imperium(Int): 38
   Evaluate(Int): 38
   Forbidden Lore Pirates(Int): 38
   Intimidate(S): 32
   Literacy(Int): 38
   Psyniscience (Per): 36
   Scholastic Lore Astromancy(Int): 33
   Speak Low Gothic(Int):38
   Speak High Gothic(Int): 38


  • Peer "Void born"
    • Gain a +10 on fellowship test with Void born
  • Polygot
    • Treat all Languages as Basic skills. All tests using this suffer a -10 on test, due to the simplistic nature.
  • Rival "Inquisition"
    • Suffers a -10 to Fellowship tests when dealing with members of the Inquisition
  • Quick Draw
    • Can ready a pistol basic or Melee weapon as a free action
  • Rival "Rogue Trader"
    • Suffers a -10 to Fellowship tests when dealing with members of the Alntro Rogue Trader Dynasty
  • Peer "Under world"
    • Gain a +10 on fellowship test with people within the Underworld
  • Peer "Astropaths"
    • Gain a +10 on fellowship test with Astropaths
  • Peer "Workers"
    • Gain a +10 on fellowship test with the working class
  • Decadence
    • Dose not pass out from Alcohol and the like until he has failed 6 toughness tests. And he gains a +10 to resist the effects of addiction
  • Air of Authority
    • On a successful command test he effects 1d10 + 4 Targets
  • Pistol Training(Universal)
    • Can use pistols without a penalty
  • Melee Training (Universal)
    • Can Use Melee weapons without a Penalty


  • Street Knowledge
    • -5 to all Scholastic Lore tests that do not involve the Kronous expanse
  • Web of Contacts
    • Peer "Void born" talent
  • Port of Call
    • Polygot talent:
  • Sixth sense
    • Gain Psyniscince as a trained skill. Rival Talent
  • StubJack
    • Gain 1d5 Insanity
  • Duty to your Dynasty
    • Rival "Rogue Trader family" talent and +1 PF
  • Marked by Darkness
    • Gain 1d5 insanity
  • No joy Unexplored
    • 1d5 corruption points
  • Far-Reaching Contacts
    • Gain three peer talents of your chorice

Combat Stats[edit]

Weapon Name Skill Class Range Rate of Fire Damage Penetration Clip Reload Special Weight Rarity
Elle-Pattern Plasma pistol 40 Pistol 30m s/2/- 1d10+6 E 6 10 3 Full Overheats 4 kg Very Rare
Weapon Name Skill Class Range Rate of Fire Damage Penetration Clip Reload Special Weight Rarity
Sello-style Power Saber 31 Melee - - 1d10+8 E 5 - - Power Field,Balanced 3 kg Very Rare
  • Initiative Bonus: 3
  • Movement: 3/6/9/18
  • Wounds: 8
  • TB: 3
  • Armor: 6
  • Dodge: 18
  • Parry: 31



  • Elle-Pattern Plasma pistol
    • Common-Craftsmenship Plasma Pistol
      • A well used, and slightly beaten looking Plasma pistol
  • Sello-style Power Saber
    • Common Craftsmenship Power sword
      • A well maintained if Plain curved power sword. Made on the World of Sello


  • Stormtrooper Carpace Armor
    • This armor is showing a bit of ware but is well maintained and is a dull grey color.
    • 6 Ap

Other Equipment[edit]

  • Micro-Bead
  • Void Suit
  • Set of Fine cloths
  • Xeno-Pelt cloak

Experience Spent[edit]

No Joy left unexplored=200 xp
Far -Reaching Contacts(Linage)=300 xp

Total Spent XP=5'000