Malazan FATE/Aral Gamelon
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Aral Gamelon[edit]
The Path of Demons (major association: summon demons, minor association: death)
Practitioners of Aral Gamelon gain a +1 bonus to all Trappings marked with an asterisk
Universal Trappings (simple)[edit]
- Sense Talent: Can use Perception to detect magical, spiritual and supernatural effects (difficulty defaults to Mediocre (+0) unless it is done covertly). When someone nearby is accessing a Warren, +2 to Perception to detect. No check necessary if visible.
- Concealment: You can use your Warren as a defense against Sense Talent detection, but this raises the difficulty by 1.
- Improve Senses (self only): With a Mediocre (+0) Warren check, you can boost your Perception by 1 for a scene.
- Questing: With an Average (+1) Warren check, you can magically extend the range of your Perception by a Zone, difficulty increasing by one for each zone beyond the first. Increase difficulty by one if trying to perceive through obstacles.
Universal Trappings (Cadre Mage stunt)[edit]
- Countermagic: You can use your Warren as a defense against magical attacks you are aware of.
- Resistance: +2 to your defenses against threats similar to your Warren, and you are immune to the environmental hazards of your Warren's realm.
- Invigorate (self only): Place positive temporary Aspects relating to vigor and health on yourself with a Mediocre (+0) check.
- Warding: You can lay wards which alert you when broken in any means you specify (someone passing through them, someone accessing a Warren nearby, sound being made, etc).
- Protective Wards: You may maneuver to place temporary aspects on a target like "Protected by Wards" or "Arrows Bounce Off".
- Travel: You can step into the realm associated with your Warren with an Average (+1) check. Teleportation across short distances is a Good (+3) check and by paying a FP allows to slip in and out at will for a scene. Bigger rifts allowing others to step through are more difficult.
- Blasting: You can use your Warren as a ranged attack which does +2 Stress on a hit. Base range is 2 Zones, with an extra shift required for each Zone beyond the second.
- Investment: You can imbue items with aspects of your Warren. This requires a string of difficult checks, culminating in spending of FPs. There is also automatically an Aspect on the item connecting it to you and your power source.
- Power Drain: You can trade Stress for a bonus to a single Warren roll. Every 2 points of Stress gives +1 to a roll. Consequences can be cashed in for the same conversion rate.
- Sending: With an Average (+1) Warren check, you can send a message to a willing target within a Zone. Increase difficulty as distance increases.
Universal Trappings (High Mage stunt)[edit]
- Layered Blasting: If possessing more than one Warren with the Blasting Trapping, you may combine them into one blast; +1 Stress for every warren used beyond the first, defenses may become inapplicable. The difficulty to sense the magic at range decreases by 1 for each additional warren employed.
- Spirit Walk: Travel the Warrens in spirit, leaving your body behind. All stress goes to Mental, instant return to body possible at Great (+4) difficulty.
- Area Effect: For a FP affect an entire zone with an effect.
- Storm of Power: For a FP an attack requires no concentration beyond the initial casting.
- Great Casting: Able to affect targets outside the normal scale if enough succeding with style (Warren roll made by 3+).
Trappings specific to Aral Gamelon (simple)[edit]
- Lesser Ritual: Summon Demon* You can summon Galayn, Kenryll'ah, Korvalahrai or Sirinth demons from Aral Gamelon. Time required depends on the power of the demon summoned. You can only summon lesser demons with up to two skills of +1) It only summons the demon, controlling it requires "Control Demon". A failed roll indicates either that the summoner failed to summon the demon or that the difficulty of the "Control Demon" will go up.
- Control Demon:* You can control a demon summoned. Difficulty increases with powerlevel of the demon and if the summon demon roll failed.
- Release Demon:* For an average roll (+1) you can release the demon back to Aral Gamelon
Trappings specific to Aral Gamelon (Cadre mage stunt)[edit]
- Ritual: Summon Demon* You gain +2 to your Warren roll. You can summon Galayn, Kenryll'ah, Korvalahrai or Sirinth demons from Aral Gamelon. Time required depends on the power of the demon summoned. You can summon demons with up to two skills of +3) It only summons the demon, controlling it requires "Control Demon". A failed roll indicates either that the summoner failed to summon the demon or that the difficulty of the "Control Demon" will go up.
- Shield from demon You can shield yourself from the summoned demon. Making it harder for the demon to resist your commands and for other demons to attack you. You gain +2 to control a demon and +2 to defend against a demon targeting you.
- Wrest control You can attempt to wrest control over another summoners demon. The summoner of the target demon will be able to sense you outright.
- Sacrifice demon You can sacrifice the demon to remove all physical stress. A greater demon can be sacrificed to remova a minor consequence.
Trappings specific to Aral Gamelon (High mage stunt)[edit]
- Greater Ritual: Summon Demon* You gain +2 to your Warren roll. You can summon Galayn, Kenryll'ah, Korvalahrai or Sirinth demons from Aral Gamelon. Time required depends on the power of the demon summoned. You can summon greater demons with up to three skills of +5) It only summons the demon, controlling it requires "Control Demon". A failed roll indicates either that the summoner failed to summon the demon or that the difficulty of the "Control Demon" will go up.
- Imprison Demon: For a poor roll (-1) you can imprison a demon in a breakable object after it has been summoned and controlled. The person breaking the object will be able to control the demon.
- Shield demon You can shield a demon from being wrested from you. You gain 2+ to your Warren roll if another summoner tries to wrest your demon away.
- Greater Control* You gain 2+ to your Warren roll to control a demon.