Manbat, The PL8

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THE MANBAT PL: 8, Human/Bat Hybrid, Name: Kirk Langstrom, Male, Size: Medium; INIT: +7, DEF 19/16; SPEED 30, FLIGHT 40; MELEE +9(Claws +8 L, ), RANGED +9, MENTAL +9, SV: DMG +8, FORT +8, REF +8, WILL +3; STR 17, DEX 17, CON 16, INT 8, WIS 16, CHA 11.

SKILLS: Acrobatics* +9, Balance +11, Climb +11, Hide +9, Intimidate +12, Jump +8, Listen +14, Search +10, Spot +14.

FEATS: Aerial Combat (+1 attack or def when in air), All-Out Attack ((-dodge), (+attack), 5 max), Blind Fight (re-roll a miss if target is concealed), Move-By Attack (move before & after attack), Blind Sight (Super) (can use another sense as sight), Rapid Healing (remove addtl stun & lethal hit when recovering), Imp. Initiative (+4 to initiative), Imp. Grapple (can grapple one-handed), Startle (intimidate target, loses dodge bonus), Ultra Hearing (Super) (can hear low and high pitched noises).

POWERS: MANBAT PHYSIOLOGY, Flight [+8], Extra: Super Senses [+8], Extra: Telescopic Sense (Blindsight) [+8], Extra: Amazing Save (Damage) [+5], Extra: Amazing Save (Reflex) [+5], Extra: Amazing Save (Fortitude) [+5], Extra: Clinging [+8], Extra: Natural Weapon [+5], Flaw: Limited- Wings.

WEAK: Disturbing ( -5 bluff / diplomacy), Transformation (will save dc 15 (+1/round) or transform).

COST: abilities 25, combat 30, skills 13, feats 20, powers 52, weakness -20, total 120.