Manga Imprint/Powerboy
Takashi Nakasone / Powerboy
Takashi Nakasone was an ordinary albeit painfully shy student when he found himself cursed/blessed with Kryptonian powers, he escaped Brainiacs robot minions almost by accident, not in control of his powers he knocked a building ontop of them. Travelling to America he intended to attract Supermans attention and become his apprentice, however upon landing in New York he got swept up in a disaster involving Ultra Humanite, mind control and an army of killer insectidroids. During the crisis he met Powergirl who he intially dismissed as a C-list hero but when Powergirl defeated Ultrahumanite and saved the eastern seaboard from his doomsday weapon my character came around. Humbled by these events my character begged to become her sidekick. She agreed and he spent several months as her apprentice. His "unique" costume is the result of a lost bet with Powergirl.
In recent months he has returned to Japan after a family tragedy, his cousin died under mysterious circumstances and Takashi has enrolled in Fujiwara school to investigate)
Powergirl trained Takashi in controlling his powers. As one of the World's strongest heros after the exobyte outbreak she is extemely busy fighting villains and combating natural disasters, so contacting her is sometimes difficult. On the other hand Japan is only a few minutes flight for her so she tends to drop by occasionally to catch up with Takashi in person.
Nemesis: Maxwell Lord, villaneous spymaster/telepath whose mission is to wipe out all metahumans before their fighting destroys the world) NPC1: World's No.1 Fan! For my troublesome NPC I was thinking a obssessed fangirl stalker, who keeps sending Powerboy her slash fan fiction about him and Superboy :P After Powerboy gets spotted near the town she'll come as fast as she can to try and spot him (and learn his secret identity). Kinda a geeky fan version of Lana Lang in the old superboy comics NPC2:Takashi's parents know about his powers and are supportive of him using them to help with accidents and disasters, the whole crimefighting thing on the other hand they are distinctly uncomfortable with.
Takashi Nakasone a.k.a. Powerboy - PL 10
Strength 12, Stamina 12, Agility 1, Dexterity 1, Fighting 6, Intellect 0, Awareness 1, Presence 2
Attractive 2, Diehard, Extraordinary Effort, Power Attack, Ultimate Effort: Toughness check
Close Combat: Unarmed 2 (+8), Investigation 5 (+5), Perception 7 (+8), Persuasion 4 (+6), Ranged Combat: Heat vision: Blast 9 10 (+11)
Flight: Flight 9 (Speed: 1000 miles/hour, 2 miles/round)
Kryptonian Imprint (Array) - Enhanced Ability: Enhanced Strength 9 (+9 STR) - Heat vision: Blast 9 (Alternate; DC 24) - Superbreath: Cylinder Area Move Object 9 (Alternate; 12 tons; Cylinder Area: 30 feet cylinder; Limited Direction: attract or repel)
Tireless: Enhanced Stamina 9 (+9 STA)
Unbreakable: Impervious Toughness 12
Unstoppable: Immunity 10 (Life Support)
Telescopic Vision: Senses 2 (Extended: Sight 2: x100)
Initiative +1
Grab, +6 (DC Spec 22)
Heat vision: Blast 9, +11 (DC 24)
Superbreath: Cylinder Area Move Object 9 (DC 19)
Throw, +1 (DC 27)
Unarmed, +8 (DC 27)
Complications Fame: Being bishouen pretty and being Powergirl's apprentice has made Powerboy uncomfortably popular in certain parts of the internet, the chest cut out doesn't help. Motivation: Thrills & Recognition: Growing up Takashi was quiet and reserved even painfully shy, putting on the costume allows him to act out his wildest fantasies, doing things he couldnt get away with in his civilian identity. Power Loss: Kryptonite: Removes Kryptonian powers & Red Sun Radiation: Gradually removes and weakens Kryptonian powers Relationship: Parents in the know
Languages Japanese
Defense Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude 12, Toughness 12, Will 8
Power Points Abilities 34 + Powers 82 + Advantages 4 + Skills 14 (28 ranks) + Defenses 16 = 150