Mano a Mano:Limitations

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Adventures can limit PC templates, occupations and CP Value. Some adventures are more suited to characters with low CP and may be too easy for more powerful characters. Other adventures are more challenging and better suited to characters with more CP.

Templates, equipment, new characters and character development have limitations which you may want to modify for specific games. A superhero game for example might allow characters to have more qualities, greater abilities, and more speed, agility, strength and toughness. A game where PCs are average folks or inexperienced kids might have lower ability limits and allow less speed, agility, power or toughness development. (See Game Design/Templates, Game Design/Equipment and Character Creation.) The normal limitations are:

  • Templates can have no more than 3 speed.
  • Template agility is between -5 and 5
  • Templates can have no more than 5 levels of template abilities.
  • Equipment can have no more than 2 offense.
  • Equipment can have no more than 2 control.
  • The maximum ability of new characters is 4 plus their template ability.
  • Characters can later develop ability levels up to 10 plus their template ability.
  • New characters can have only a few qualities their template does not have - all of them disadvantages.
  • New characters can have no more than double their template speed or 1 plus their template speed, whichever is less.
  • The maximum agility of new characters is 2 plus their template agility.
  • A new character can have 0%, 50%, 100% or 200% more strength than his template, depending on the template's variability.
  • A new character can have 0%, 50%, 100% or 200% more toughness than his template, depending on the template's variability.
  • Through training and experience, characters cannot develop any more qualities, speed, agility, strength or toughness than a new character of the same template can start with.