Marco Domici: History

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Marco looked at the assembled faces. He stood on the concrete steps that lead into the tavern. Just over his head a small wood and tin canopy protected during the rain. Far above his head, the stars looked down on all of them.

His breathe curled in front of him as men and women moved closer. Leaves crunched in the darkness as feet were stomped for warmth. To Marco's right, a glowing red sign in the window said "Open".

He still had the lacar clipped off his chest and his helmet dutifully stayed fixed to his waist. One armored glove rested on the steel pipe guard rail, it's chipped paint flaking easily in the brisk night air.

"Important public service announcement. Patrick will cease taking bets at zero eight hundred! Have your money in by then or lose out!" Several people chuckled, and Marco saw a few credits pass to Patrick.

"History will say we fought today for freedom." Marco's command voice rolled over the assembled troopers, village members, Mayor Bergin and his family, and even the Bryce's dogs. The hounds seemed to be paying rapt attention. "Years from now, when this battle is studied by children in school, teachers will say we fought for the greater good of Biter. For the common man amoung us; be they Red Card, Path, or Mountain Man. They will ascribe to us tales of bravery under fire, of loss, and of victory."

Marco shifted his weight. Tala caught his eye and winked. "All those things are true. You will fight today. You will be brave. We may lose some of you, but we will achieve victory!"

Several hurrah's broke out and there was a cat call or two. Marco raised his hand. "Those things are true, but they are not why I fight today." He shook his head. "I want Biter to be a better place. I want children to be expected live, and not starve to death while wrapped in the arms of a dieing parent."

"But today I fight for you." He pointed to Gabreilla. "I fight for the Guide who gives us a spiritual compass." He pointed to Patrick. "I fight for the Red Cards who, against all odds, stand firm in hope. I fight for the Mountain Men..." He pointed to Verner. "Who show us how a man and a woman can stand up for themselves and their friends."

"I fight for my brothers and sisters; right here. Right now. I fight for you! I fight to bring you home safely." He raised his hands to the crowd. "History will say many things, but the historians can only talk about the bravery and sacrifice you will display today. Your grandchildren will come home from school talking about this battle and you will quietly say 'Yes. It is true. I was there.'"

He smiled. "Form with your teams. Get some shuteye. Today you enter history!"