Marcus Aurelion, mage, planeshifter, debtor
Marcus was born into a family with a long tradition of producing skilled and powerful wizards. His forefathers had loyally served their kingdom on some little known prime material plane and, when he showed signs of the talent, his fate was sealed.
Marcus however had other ideas. He had no intention of spending his years poring over books in some drafty old castle at the whim of whatever ruler happened along. He wanted to get out and explore the world. That was when he met his first Mercane. The planar trader offered him a deal, serve his house for a little while and he would provide his ticket to a world of unlimited potential out in the Great Wheel.
The Mercane however are not to be trusted and Marcus found himself indebted to them for years providing magical support and transportation for all sorts of dubious and illegal cargoes. Now at last he has taken his chance to be free of them. His last assignment broke the magical shackles binding him to the Mercane Trade Federation and he has signed up with the first ship heading out of Sigil offering his services as arcane specialist.
Of course the Mercane are unlikely to let go of him quite so easily and his family are still out there somewhere looking for him. After all, a thousand years of magical tradition stand to be lost unless its last scion produces an heir.
Human Wizard/Planeshifter/Archmage 21
Alignment: Unaligned
Final Ability Scores:
Str 10, Con 14, Int 24, Dex 12, Wis 22, Cha 14
Starting Ability Scores:
Str 8, Con 12, Int 16, Dex 10, Wis 16, Cha 12
AC 36 (10 + half level 10, leather armour 7, Int 7, Staff of Defence 1, Defensive Staff 1)
Fort 28 (10 + half level 10, human 1, neck 4, Defensive Staff 1, Con 2)
Ref 33 (10 + half level 10, human 1, neck 4, Defensive Staff 1, Int 7)
Will 34 (10 + half level 10, human 1, neck 4, Defensive Staff 1, Wis 6, Wizard 2)
HP 110, Healing Surges 8, Surge Value 27
Inititative: 17 (half level 10, dex 1, improved initiative 4, Premonition Ring 2)
Passive Perception: 28 (10 + half level 10, Wis 6, Premonition Ring 2)
Passive Insight: 31 (10 + half level 10, Wis 6, Trained 5)
Background: Merchant (add Bluff to class list)
Trained Skills
Arcana 24, Religion 24, Insight 22, History 24, Bluff 21, Nature 22
Languages: Common, Infernal
1. Implement Expertise (Staff)
1. Armour Proficiency (Leather)
2. Improved Initiative
4. Arcane Familiar (Book Imp)
6. Action Surge
8. Distant Advantage
10. Enlarge Spell
11. Student of Artifice
12. War Wizadry
14. Spell Focus
16. Second Implement (Orb of Imposition)
18. Danger Sense
20. Toughness
21. Untrain War Wizadry and take Spell Accuracy
21. Superior Implement Expertise (Accurate Staff)
At Will: Thunderwave, Illusory Ambush, Ray of Frost
Enc 7: Twist of Space
Enc 11: Sequester
Enc 13: Prismatic Burst
Enc 17: Force Volley
Daily 1: Healing Infusion
Daily 9: Wall of Fire, Ice Storm
Daily 15: Prismatic Beams, Wall of Ice
Daily 19: Evards Black Tentacles, Plague of Illusions
Daily 20: Dimensional Cascade
Utility 2: Shadow Serpent, Shield
Utility 6: Emerald Eye, Wizards Escape
Utility 10: Blur, Arcane Gate
Utility 12: Quick Portal
Utility 16: Clever Escape, Fly
At Will Powers:
Thunderwave: Thunder, Close Blast 3, Fort, 1d6+int+Wis push
Ray of Frost: Cold, R10, Fort, 1d6+Int+slow uent
Illusionary Ambush: Psychic, R10, Will, 1d6+Int -2 attack uent[/sblock]
Encounter Powers
Twist of Space: Teleportation, AB1/10, Will, 1d6+Int, teleport 3 and slow uent
Sequester: Teleportation, R10, Fort, Banish SE
Prismatic Burst: Radiant, AB2/20, Will, 3d6+Int and blind uent
Force Volley: Force, R20, up to 3, Ref, +4 if one target, 3d6+int, daze uent[/sblock]
Daily Powers
Wall of Fire: Wall 8/20, Fire, start adk 1d6+int, move into or start inside 3d6+int, entry costs 3 squares, blocks los, SUSTAIN: Minor
Ice Storm: Cold, Zone, AB3/20, Fort, 2d8+Int and immobilised SE, MISS: Hald and slow SE, EFFECT: zone is difficult terrain for encounter
Prismatic Beams: Poison, Close Burst 5, ememies only, Fort, Ref and Will. One attack per target compared against all defences:
Fort: 2d6+Int poison and OG5 poison SE
Ref: 2d6+int fire and OG5 fire SE
Will: Daze SE
Wall of Ice: Wall 12/10, start adjacent 2d6+int cold, blocks los. Standard action to attack one square, each has 50hp, melee attacks cause 2d6 cold to attacker, Vul25 fire
Evards Black Tentacles: Necrotic, Zone, AB4/10, Ref, 2d10+int and immob SE, EDDECT: difficult terrain uent, SUSTAIN minor, repeat attack against anything in zone not immobilised, do 1d10 to immbolisied enemies
Plague of Illusions: Illusion, R20, Will, target cannot use attack powers SE, First Fail Blind SE, Second Fail Immobilised SE, MISS: Blind SE, First Fail Immobilise SE
Dimensional Cascade: Teleportation, R20, Will, Until start of targets next turn disappears, cannot act or be targetted, choose 4 damage types, target takes 1d8 of each and OG5 of all SE all, MISS target takes damage and OG damage of 2 types and reappears at end of your turn[/sblock]
Utility Powers
Shield: Force, Interrupt, when hit by attack, gain +4AC and Ref uent
Emerald Eye: Minor R10, uent +5 to insight and +2 hit against the targets Will
Wizards Escape: Teleportation, Interrupt, when hit by an attack, teleport 5 to space not adjacent to any enemy
Quick Portal: Teleport, Standard, R5, create portal to permanent teleportation circle on your current plane, lose 3 healing surges, SUSTAIN: Standard and lose of healing surge or take equal amount of damage
Shadow Serpent: Summoning, Minor, R10, speed 6, +5 stealth snake, MINOR: See through the snakes eyes, cannot gain los/loe but can make Perception checks
Blur: Minor, Illusion, Until end of encounter +2 to all defences and enemies 5 or more squares away cannot see you
Arcane Gate: Teleportation, Minor R20, Create rift between 2 squares uent, SUSTAIN Minor, the rift persists
Fly: Standard, gain Fly 8 uent, SUSTAIN Minor, the power persists, if you dont sustain you float to the ground
Clever Escape: Illusion, Teleport, Minor, Become Invisibile and Teleport 6, leave illusionary image behind, takes no actions, uses your defences, lasts until hit. invis lasts uent or on making an attack roll. Illusion can be recognised with Insight vs DC15+half your level+Int mod[/sblock]
Class Abilities:
Orb of Imposition (extend an at will effect for an extra round or impose -Wis penalty on saves against one effect), Staff of Defence (+Con to defences as a free action), Cantrips, Ritual Casting, Study of the Planes (+4 arcana checks on travel rituals, gain Planar Portal), Planeshifters Action (when you spend an AP to gain an extra action gain an extra move action that turn which can be used for teleport 10), Location Mastery (you and allies within 5 cannot be teleported against their will), Spell Recall (at the start of the day choose a daily power you can use twice in a day, currently Prismatic Beams)
Book Imp Familiar (+2 Arcana and History, speak Infernal, Fire Resistance 5)
+4 Defensive Staff (17), +4 Displacer Leather Armour (19), +4 Liars Trinket (18)
Survivors Boots (45000), Premonition Ring (25000), Bracers of Iron Arcana (21000)
Lodestone of the Planes (3400), Handy Haversack (5000), Everlasting Provisions (840), Ritual Candle (9000), Sending Stones (9000), Gloves of Storing (4200), Enshrouding Candle (2600), Map of Orienteering (4200), Hat of Disguise (5000), Foe Stone (13000), Skeleton Key (5000)
Secure Shelter (1000), Analyze Portal (800), Astral Guide (2200), Create Teleport Circle (10000), Demicache (2600), Elemental Transfer (2600), Fey Passage (360), Far Sending (4200), Plane Shift (17000), Rope Trick (4500), Scramble Portal (4000), Shadow Passage (680), Magic Map (900), Object Reading (250), Planar Portal (-), Shadow Walk (2600), Secret Page (50), Travellers Feast (175), Water Breathing (680), Reverse Portal (2600), Arcane Lock (150), Comprehend Languages (150), Detect Object (1000), Disenchant (360), Enchant Magic Item (175), Endure Elements (100), Eye of Alarm (100), Knock (175), Secret Chest (560), Linked Portal (680), Magic Circle (250), Passwall (2600), Phantom Steed (360)
Lodgings in Sigil and an array of the most fashionable clothes of the season (50000gp)
2500gp, gems worth 10000gp and 20000gp of residium are stored between the Handy Haversack, his Demicache and Secret Chest together with a wide assortment of travellng gear suitable for almost any sort of terrain or environment.