Marcus Frey's Journal

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A page for Marcus' thoughts.
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The Inquisitor[edit]

I understand that she recently won a great victory over the remains of a Rogue Trader gone mad. Madder I suppose, since they all seem a bit off. She's very business like, which is good, let's us focus on what's important, but I get the feeling I'm being tested, and not just as her Interrogator. Just hope this mission goes better then the last.

The Sister[edit]

I've encountered Soritas on various fronts in my time. Psalm-singers and Emperor botherers the lot of them. I believe the Emperor protects, but we are many, and He's busy. I try not to distract him. This one seems to realize there's more then singing and burning, but time will tell.

The Psyker[edit]

Unsettling. She's whimsical at times, barmy at others. Not unlike the breed. Hope I don't have to watch this one turn inside out. May have to keep my distance. Or at least ensure an umbrella is handy. The Inquisitor seems to value her though.

The Judge[edit]

Attractive, competent, keeps eyeing my hat. Files indicate she's been with other Inquisitors and survived, but she looks like a little girl playing Judges and Gangers. I don't know if I should ask her out or tell her to wash up before dinner.

The Assassin[edit]

I've read the files. An undercover Arbites who infiltrated a death cult and started drinking the sweet juice. He's given up the badge for a blood splattered sword. I don't care for for his choices. I get theres dirt in the ranks and the need to stamp it out without hesitation, but a lawman is more worthy of respect then a killer. No matter how friendly he is.

The Magos[edit]

I've never understood cogboys, and I fear I never will.

The Storm Trooper[edit]

Good man, served with him before, back when he was a trooper. Glad he's made it this far, and glad to have someone I can trust to follow orders without question or comment when the shells hit the deck. I recommended him for a mission back before I was fully brough into the fold, and it almost got him killed. As far as I know, only myself and the master are aware of that. I don't think he'd hold a grudge, but it makes thing awkward.

Still, he got the job done as I knew he would.