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Marencia, a wise woman of Codalet. Heir to a tradition of fetilleria, who practices dowsing using the aid of magical talismans. Village gossip holds that say she had a faerie lover in her youth, but he betrayed her or she him in some way, and that she fears that one day her lover or his family will seek to avenge the slight.

Int +2
Per +3
Str -1
Sta +2
Prs +1
Com +1
Dex +0
Qik -3

Wise One (Arcane), 

Small Frame, 
Fear (Faeries)

Suspicious +2 
Dedicated +2 

Age 40(4 aging points)

Dowsing 6 (Lost objects)
Faerie Lore 4 (Recognising fae)
Magic Lore 2 (Magical beasts)
Dominion Lore 1 (Angels)
Infernal Lore 1 (Demonology)
Chirurgy 5 (Farming accidents)
Profession (Apothecary) 5 (Medicines)
Area Lore (Codalet) 3 (Lay of the land)
Area Lore (Perpignan) 1 (Marketplace)
Folk Ken 2 (Peasants)
Language (Catalan) 5 (Gossip)
Language (Occitan) 5 (Swearing)
Survival 3 (herbs)
Guile 2 (Lying by omission)
Bargain 2 (Peasants)
Charm 2 (Peasants)
Carouse 2 (Drinking)
Handle Animal 3 (Goats)