Firearms don't work on Mars. They just don't. Something in the air rapidly degrades gunpowder into unusability (after about a scene or so). I'd work out some ways around this, but none of the PCs rely on guns for combat, so it's a moot point. There are ray-guns, but barring Miniaturization via mad science, they're about the size of cannons, and cannot be made smaller conventionally. So individual (rich) Martians can have sidearms, but the soldiery still fight with sword spear and shield.
The gravity on Mars is lighter. This allows earthmen to gain a free level of Might, Athletics, and Fists while there. Martians, contrariwise, lose a level in each of these three things while on Earth. This reduction has been taken into account in Antonius's case, meaning he'd get the same bonuses as anyone else if everybody wound up on Mars (and explaining his otherwise unimpressive Might and Fists somewhat).
Mars is a dryer world than Earth, particularly as one gets closer to the equator. In fact, the Great Red Desert spanning said equator rather effectively divides the North of Mars from the South. Travel across it is certainly possible for individuals or small groups but armies would be a logistical nightmare.
The history of Mars, prior to about 2000 Earth years (more like 1000 Martian years) ago is a bit sketchy to say the least, with the entire world divided into small, warring, tribes and kingdoms, with no real unifying principles of any sort. Then came Marcus I and the White Martians. Supposedly the last remnants of a dying civilization at Mars’ core, and proceeded to forge himself an empire with his troops military discipline, and his own cunning and ruthless pragmatism. Within a mere three generations, the now Martian Empire encompassed the entire North of Mars, stopped from expanding southward only by the Great Red Desert. Since then, they have ruled (if such is the appropriate term, see politics below) quite well, and brought equality and prosperity to their people. Slavery was abolished perhaps 200 Martian years ago, as technology made it uneconomical.
Note: Yes, this makes the South a giant swath of tiny competing kingdoms suitable for adventuring in.
A Theory: Antonius's theory on the truth of all this is very simple: All Red and White Martians are from Earth. The Red Martians emigrated over ten thousand of years ago, from South America (their language has certain similarities to that of the Olmecs). The White Martians under Emperor Marcus I, were in all likelihood a Roman Legion (possibly the lost legion) and this explains modern Martian's similarity to Latin, as well as the other Roman influenced facts of life, such as naming conventions. Antonius even has a theory as to why this information was never revealed: At the time Marcus I was building his empire, one of the most popular religions on Mars regarded Earth as a devil figure. A pragmatist to his core, Marcus would likely have utterly supressed his origins so as to not offend such a powerful group.
The Martian Empire isn’t exactly an Empire. It’s a bit more complicated than that. There are three major powers in it:
The Emperor: Possibly the most powerful of the three powers, the Emperor is also the King of perhaps half the land in the Empire (see below for his powers as a King). His primary power as Emperor is actually deceptively simple: He pays the Senate’s wages. In fact, he’s the only one who can. It is actively and irrevocably illegal for Senators to receive money from anyone else, and they must give up all private fortunes when they become senators. He may also be appealed to by people wishing to bring suit against their own king, and is legal judge in such matters. Yes that does mean people living in the Imperial Provinces are screwed if there’s a bad emperor, but see Senate below. It is also worth noting that the title King of the Imperial Provinces IS explicitly linked to that of Emperor, and if one is lost so is the other. The Emperor is allowed one final right: He may tax the Kings a small amount, theoretically for the support of the Senate. The amount is fixed at a very small amount, but it’s still an important and useful power. Particularly note the word “can” not “must”.
The Senate: The Senate is the only lawmaking body in the Empire. For all their powers, neither Kings nor Emperors may make laws, they may levy taxes, but the two are considered separate in Martian courts. The Senate may not levy taxes. The Senate may also impeach the Emperor. No I’m not kidding. This results in, since it’s a hereditary position, the heir becoming Emperor, but they can always just impeach him too. Tis requires a two thirds majority vote, but no explicit cause. A notable occasion in Martian history known as “The Day of Twelve Emperors” resulted from this process. Marcus IV, the then emperor, decided to effectively disband the senate by cutting their funds completely. His heirs were all loyal to him, so he figured what could they do? He deeply underestimated both the Senate and the People of Mars. The Senate impeached him, then his four children, then six separate cousins, nieces, and nephews loyal to him, all in the space of less than two hours until they got to somebody who’d pay them. The Army, loyal to the office more than the man, backed the new emperor.
There are one thousand Senators. Yes one thousand. This number is set and can only be altered by the conquest or loss of territory. Six hundred of these are from the Imperial Provinces and are elected from specific locations by the people. This is, interestingly, not subject to the Emperor’s will, it’s written into law. The other four hundred are from other Provinces and are selected by whatever process the King of that territory wishes (though many, following the example of the Emperor, hold elections). At this point roughly 900 members are elected on average, with the rest appointees by particularly reactionary Kings.
The Kings: The Kings are the rulers of a particular section of territory or “Province“. They are responsible for the enforcement of the Senate’s Laws in that territory, as well as it’s protection from outside threats. They are thus permitted to levy taxes on the people of that province, and to punish those who do not pay (within certain Senate approved limits). It is worth noting, however, that it is a law that any Martian Citizen (and yes, all people are citizens in the modern Empire) may move to another province, and preventing such is illegal. This allows people to “vote with their feet” moving from one province to another to find one that suits them best. The Emperor is also King of perhaps half the territory in the Martian Empire, and while his actions are slightly more restricted than those of the other kings, it’s certainly still a position of immense power. Kings may also raise armies and establish police forces if they so wish, and most do. It is worth noting that, so long as certain laws of war are observed, it is perfectly legal for Kings to go to war with each other, or for people to rebel against their king.
Martian culture is interesting, with far too many nuances to go into here, I’ll point out a few of the more major differences from Earth culture though:
Women: Women are considered equal with Men in the vast majority of the Martian Empire, and many even serve in the legions. Inheritance of all things, including the Empire passes to the oldest child, whether male or female.
Religion: Mars hasn’t been particularly religious in a while. Agnosticism is common, as are a variety of other philosophies and faiths, but no particular one appears dominant. The Imperial Family try extraordinarily hard to remain neutral on issues of religion.
War: Small wars are common between Kings in the Martian empire, and, as no one wants the entire weight of the Empire to fall on them, the laws of war are observed religiously (FYI: the Laws of War strongly resemble the Geneva convention). Most Martians are appalled at the mere though of breaking them, and, indeed, the revelation that the rebels had done so was very helpful in the Imperium winning the recent war, as much of their popular support died away.
There are three (or debatably four) varieties of Martian: Grey, Black, and Red (with White being debatable).
Grey: Grey Martians are large, sentient, four armed, carnivorous and tusked apes. It is worth noting, that while their lower arms are much like those of a gorilla, their upper arms are designed much more like a human being's, both in sructure and proportion. They evolved on the frozen Northern icecap, but are quite adaptable and have spread over the entire surface of Mars. They are named for their grey fur. In the Martian Empire they are as fully citizens as anyone, and live more or less in harmony with the other varieies of Martian. Antonius's trainer in the practicalities of being a soldier was a Grey Martian, for example, and many do join the military Outside the Martian Empire, they usually live in their own tribal groupings, primarily as nomadic herders.
Black: The Black Martians are antlike creatures, alien and strange, living in large hives. They look something like a giant cross between a spider, ant, and praying mantis. They are universally sentient, and have a complex culture and place in the Martian Empire. I'll get into it later in another post.
Red: The Red Martians are basically human. They are, racially, similar to the natives of South Ameerica, and their native language (Old Martian) has some distinct connections there as well.
White: White Martians are also basically human, these of possibly Mediterranean stock, and quite frankly, have bred themselves out of existence. There were a very limited number to begin with, and they've been interbreeding with the Red Martians for so long it's basically a meaningless distinction these days. This doesn't keep a few "White Martian" racists from trying of course. Antonius is technically about as pure a White Martian as exists, but, aware of the ridiculousness of the claim, usually simply identifies himself as a Red Martian.
I’ll get into Flora, Fauna, and Technology some other time.