Marty Jannetty

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Aerial Superstar 8

Attitude: Face; Height & Weight: 5’10”, 230 pounds; Weight Class: Heavyweight; Lift DC: 11; Reputation: +2; Abilities: Str 13 (+1), Dex 16 (+3), Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 13 (+1); Endurance: 112; Trauma: 14; Base Attack Bonus: +6; Saves: Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +2; Training Background: Mat Wrestling

Skills: Balance +13 [Ranks: +6, Dex Mod: +3, Synergy: +2, Coordinated: +2]

Climb +9 [Ranks: +6, Str Mod: +1, Synergy: +0, High Flying: +2]

Disguise +5 [Ranks: +4, Cha Mod: +1, Synergy: +0]

Escape Artist +12 [Ranks: +6, Dex Mod: +3, Synergy: +0, Coordinated: +2, Training Background Skill: +1]

Jump +11 [Ranks: +6, Str Mod: +1, Synergy: +2, High Flying: +2]

Knowledge (Aerial Maneuvers) +5 [Ranks: +5, Int Mod: +0, Synergy: +0]

Perform (Promo) +6 [Ranks: +5, Cha Mod: +1, Synergy: +0]

Perform (Vignette) +5 [Ranks: +4, Cha Mod: +1, Synergy: +0]

Treat Injury +7 [Ranks: +6, Wis Mod: +1, Synergy: +0, Training Background Skill: +0]

Tumble +14 [Ranks: +7, Dex Mod: +3, Synergy: +2, Coordinated: +2]

Feats: Aerial Maneuvers Proficiency, Chain Wrestling (Aerial Maneuvers), Coordinated, High Flying, Maneuvers Focus (Aerial Maneuvers), Moveset, Savvy Maneuvers Proficiency, Signature Move (Superkick), Simple Maneuvers Proficiency, Tag Team Spec., Technical Maneuvers Proficiency

Talents: Educated Feet, Frequent Flyer, Showstopper, Trigger Reflexes

Moveset: Flying Crossbody Block (aerial maneuver, 1d6 damage, knockdown check, immediate pin attempt, possible stun on self if missed, prone self, 1 Endurance cost, Moveset bonus, +2 on maneuver check)

Flying Fistdrop (aerial/rough maneuver, 1d6 damage, prone target, possible stun on self if missed, Moveset bonus, +2 on maneuver check)

Signature Move: Superkick (aerial maneuver, 2d6 damage, +4 stagger, knockdown check, 2 Endurance cost, Signature Move bonus, -1 on maneuver check, 2/show)

Finishing Maneuver: Rock Dropper/Showstopper [Wristlock Famouser] (aerial/rough maneuver, 2d6 damage, requires lift check, possible stun, 1 Endurance cost, -2 on maneuver check)

Other Maneuvers: Missile Dropkick (aerial maneuver, 2d6 damage, +4 stagger, knockdown check, prone self, possible stun on self if missed, 2 Endurance cost, -1 on maneuver check)

Top Rope Powerbomb (aerial/ power maneuver, 4d6 damage, requires lift check, 3 Endurance cost, possible stun, -2 on maneuver check)

Biographical Links[edit]

OWW Profile

Wikipedia Profile