Master-at-Arms Kommander Boris Ilyich Yevgeny

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Name: Boris
Player: Silent Wayfarer
Career Path: Arch-Militant
Rank: 1

Home world: Death World World
Birthright: Unnatural Origins (Contaminated Environment)
Lure of the Void: Tainted (Mutant)
Trials and Travails: The Hand of War
Motivation: Exhilaration (Thrill of War)

XP: 7850/8350 (as of 16 Jul)


Weapon Skill: 45 (4)
Ballistics Skill: 50 (5) (350xp)
Strength: 52 (5)
Toughness: 61 (12)
Agility: 50 (5) (350xp)
Intelligence: 43 (4)
Perception: 39 (3)
Willpower: 33 (3)
Fellowship: 33 (3)

Wounds: 24
Corruption: 0
Insanity: 0
Fate 2


Death World Characteristic Modifiers (+5 S, +5 T, -5 WP, -5 Fel)
Death World Starting Skills (Survival)
Hardened (Jaded)
If It Bleeds, I Can Kill It (Melee Weapon Training (Primitive))
Paranoid (-10 to Interaction test in formal surroundings)
Survivor (+10 to resist Pinning/Shock)
The Ashes Of War (Hatred (The Xeno)
The Face Of The Enemy (Cannot have dealings with The Xeno except under extreme duress and will suffer -10 on Fellowship Tests with them. Will also harm them under any provocation; WP test may prevent this, but would he want to?)

Brute (Strength and Toughness +10)
Corpulent (+5 Wounds, Unnatural Toughness, cannot Run)
Unnatural Toughness (x2)
Physical Perfection 1 (500xp)


Basic Weapon Training (Universal)
Heavy Weapons Training (SP)
Pistol Weapon Training (Universal)
Melee Weapon Training (Universal)
Thrown Weapon Training (Universal)

Ambidextrous (200xp)
Hatred (The Xeno)
Might Makes Right (250xp)
Nerves of Steel
Peer (Mutants)
Resistance (Poisons)
Quick Draw
Sound Constitution


Awareness (Per) (100xp)
Common Lore (War) (Int)
Dodge (Ag)
Intimidate (S)
Literacy (Int) (100xp)
Medicae (Int) (200xp)
Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis) (Int) +10
Secret Tongue (Military) (Int)
Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int)
Survival (Int)


Acquisition: Heavy Power Armor
Acquisition: "Sasha", the BQ Assault Cannon with Motion Predictor, Targeter and Tracer Rounds
Acquisition: Chem-Glands + Vitae Supplacement Acquisition: GQ MIU Acquisition: BQ Bionic Locomotion

PQ Assault Stubber or Heavy Stubber (Common Item)
BQ Long-las (This Machine)
GQ Great Weapon with Mono upgrade
Enforcer Light Carapace
Bolt shell keepsake