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Appearance: Appearing as an advanced Homo Sapien, Mastermind has white hair and prefers to garb himself in the regal attire of a super-suit along with hyper-computer helmet. Mastermind himself seems to resemble an angelic figure underneath his garb.

Role-playing Hints: Those stupid Primates and their Inferior Genes cannot hope to match your Homo-Superior status. You exalt in your technological and mental superiority while believing that mankind only must turn itself over to your beneficent rule to achieve paradise. Oh and you really love Oreo cookies.

Powers: Mastermind is a nearly godlike telekinetic and psychic with incredibly advanced technology.

Background: Mastermind is the result of the Preservers experimenting on an early cave man. Granting the man unlimited intellect and superior knowledge, Mastermind was promptly abandoned by his creators and left amongst a society too primitive to comprehend his awesome intellectual might.

Mastermind is more or less single handedly responsible for most of the advances of human civilization. Unfortunately, he often ends up over-teaching mankind technology and under-teaching them ethics. This results in them developing great civilizations that routinely crash and burn. The Atlanteans, the Lemurians, and the Ultimen are but some of the results of his failed experiments in creating a new humanity.

Mastermind is a persistent foe of Graham, more or less since it didn't take that much for the later to thwart Mastermind's plans in the early days of humanity's existence (like smashing the stone wheel just to be a jerk). Graham doesn't take him very seriously while Mastermind routinely tries to develop new and unpleasant ways to destroy the Homo Immortis.

Halt Evil Doer!