Matsunaga Nobuatsu

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Character Name: Matsunaga Nobuatsu
Player Name: Atlictoatl
Profession/Archetype: Kuge (Noble)
Sex (Age):
Home Province:


Score x5 What Others Notice
Strength 10 50
Constitution 10 50
Dexterity 10 50
Intelligence 12 60
Power 16 80
Charisma 15 75

Derived Attributes[edit]

Maximum Current
Hit Points (HP) 10
Willpower (WP) 15 10
Sanity (SAN) 75
Breaking Point (BP) 60

Permanent At Hand/Stowed/In Storage
Resources 9 1 / 0 / 0

Resource Check Boxes

Resources O

Incidents of SAN loss without going insane[edit]

Violence O O O adapted
Helplessness O O O adapted


Personal 15 Daimyo or magisterial mentor
Communal 5 Seven Winds of Rumination Magisterial Society (standard member)
Communal 10 Soaring Crane of Mist Adventuring and Writing Society (well-regarded member)
Communal 01 Jade Chrysanthemum Social Club in Edo (disgraced member)


Administration (50)

Alertness (50)

Appraise (10)

Art (painting) (50)

Athletics (80)

Buddhism (10)

Building (10)

Charm (50)

Conceal (10)

Craft (Type) (0)

Disguise (10)

Dodge (30)

Drive (20)

Farm (10)

First Aid (50)

Foreign Language (Chinese) (60)

Harangue (10)

History (30)

Insight (70)

Knowledge (50)

Law (Ritsuryo system) (70)

Literacy (Type) (40)

Mechanics (0)

Medicine (40)

Melee Weapons (60)

Missile Weapons (80)

Military Training (Type) (0)

Navigate (60)

Occult (50) XP marked

Peoples (0)

Persuade (70)

Pilot (Type) (0)

Politics (50)

Reassure (10)

Regional Lore (Tosando Circuit) (40)

Research (10)

Ride (60)

Scavenge (50)

Search (50)

Shinto (Shugendo)(30)

Social Etiquette (60)

Stealth (80)

Streetwise (Type) (0)

Survival (Mountain Forest) (60)

Swim (60)

Track (60)

Unarmed Combat (20)

Physical Injuries and Ailments[edit]

Has First Aid been attempted since your last injury? If yes, only Medicine, Surgery, or long-term rest can help further

Armor and Equipment[edit]

  • gorgeously glowing pearl from the Dragon King


Skill % Base Range Damage Special capabilities Cost
Yumi (bow) 80 100 yards (if Hankyu) 1d8 (if Hankyu)
Ono (wood axe) 60 1d10+1
Hankotsu (boning knife) 60 1d4+1
Kawahagi (skinning knife) 60 1d4+1

Personal Details, Obligations, Heirlooms, and Other Notes[edit]