Mecha Creation

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Mech Creation[edit]

When creating a mech, first you start out with the following skeleton.

HP: 2000
EN: 100
Mobility: 90
Armor: 1000
Accuracy: 60
Speed: 5
Part Slots: 1

To that end, each robot then increases each of the stats using the Construction Point table below. However, by increasing each stat, you increase the mecha's Cost. It's important that this be taken into account, because once play starts, the Cost will remain the same. To that end, each mecha size of each stat has a maximum Cost: 5000 for Small robots, 7000 for Medium robots, and 9000 for Large robots.

HP: 100 - +100 Cost
EN: 10 - +50 Cost
Mobility: 5 - +50 Cost (MAX: 300)
Armor: 100 - +100 Cost (MAX: 2000)
Accuracy: 5 - +50 Cost (MAX: 300)
Speed: 1 +100 Cost (MAX: 8)
Part Slots: 1 +500 Cost (MAX: 4, 2 for Large)
Abilities: 1 (Special)

Some mecha have special abilities that can be added internally to the mecha without having to equip it with a part to get the effect or are specialized abilities for mecha of their type, such as Gundams.

Some mecha have the ability to change shape, whether by their own design or with some kind of special equipment. By activating this special ability, the mecha changes shape. Physically, this leads to a small shift in the mecha's stats or the attacks it can use.
Effect: The mecha now has two forms, a primary form and a secondary form. The pilot chooses which form the mecha is launched in at the start of every battle and can have some (but not all) attacks carry over from the primary form. When creating a transforming robot, you construct a different mecha with the same Cost.
Cost: 300 per Form

The mecha can combine with one or more other adjacent units to form a new unit.
Effect: When this ability is purchased, select one of the mecha to be the main unit, and will use that mecha's stats as the base. For each of the supporting units in the combination, the new mecha gains the following stat boosts:

  • Large Size.
  • Half of the HP, EN, and Armor of every supporting unit.
  • - 10 Mobility per supporting unit.
  • + 1 Speed per supporting unit.
  • Attack setup equal to the average

Only the main mecha needs this ability to activate it, but all the supporting units need to be adjacent to the robot in order to use it. Restrictions: Small and/or Medium Robots only.
Cost: 700

The mecha has a layer of protection against certain weapon types.
Effect: There are two different variations of this Ability. One type of Barrier reduces damage from either physical or energy weapons for energy, and the other negates damage up to a certain level. For barriers up to 1000 damage reduced, it costs only 5 EN. For all barriers that reduce damage higher than 1000, to a maximum of 2000, it costs 10 EN. For all barriers that negate damage, to a maximum of 4000, it costs 15 EN.
Cost: 200 for every one 500 points of damage reduced. 400 for every 500 points negated.

Spiritual Defense
This mecha protects the pilot against status effects.
Effects: The pilot of this unit cannot be affected by attacks with the Will Down, SP Down, Ability Halved, and Stun tags. The attacks still inflict damage, but any damage reduced to 0 by a Barrier Ability still do not affect the pilot.
Cost: 600

The mecha cannot be stopped by attacks that would impede their stats.
Effects: This mecha cannot be affected by attacks with the EN Down, Armor Down, Mobility Down, Accuracy Down tags. The attacks still inflict damage, but any damage reduced to 0 by a Barrier Ability still do not affect the mecha.
Cost: 600

Jammer The mecha is equipped with specialized technology that can negate some missile attacks.
Effects: When the mecha is attacked with Missile-type Weapons, make a single Difficulty 50 roll. If you succeed, the attack is negated.
Cost: 400

EWACS Jammer
The mecha has a jammer that protects its allies from missile attacks.
Effects: All mecha (including this one) gain +15% Accuracy and Evade within three squares of this mecha.
Cost: 400

Double Image
The mecha is so fast, it can somehow dodge attacks that would normally hit.
Effects: When the mecha is attacked, make a single Difficulty 50 roll. If you succeed, the attack is negated. This effect can only be activated when the pilot’s Will is at 130 or higher.
Cost: 800

EN Regen (S, M, L)
Thanks to a kind of special energy recycling/conversion system, the mech that can restore energy to their mech over time.
Effects: At the start of every turn, each mecha gains 10% (S)/20% (M)/30% (L) of its EN.
Cost: 200 (S), 400 (M), 800 (L)

HP Regen (S, M, L)
The mech is equipped with a special quick-repair system that allows them to effect repairs to their mech over time.
Effects: At the start of every turn, each mecha gains 10% (S)/20% (M)/30% (L) of its HP.
Cost: 300 (S), 600 (M), 900 (L)

Sword Cut
The mech can use its sword to block incoming melee attacks as well as missiles.
Effects: When the mecha is attacked by a Melee attack or Missile-Type weapons, make a roll at the Difficulty of the difference between the pilot’s Skill and the enemy pilot’s Skill, plus 10. If you succeed, negate the attack.
Cost: 500

Shield Equipped
The mech has a shield that can block incoming attacks and possibly lower the damage he’d take.
Effects: When the mecha is attacked, make a roll at the Difficulty of the difference between the pilot’s Skill and the enemy pilot’s Skill, plus 10. If you succeed, reduce the Final Damage by 1/6.
Cost: 500

The mech has the ability to perform quick repairs in the field.
Effects: The mecha can recover (Pilot’s level x 50) HP as a Standard Action to itself, any squad member, or adjacent ally.
Cost: 700

The mech has the ability to resupply its allies in the field
Effects: The mecha can recover (Pilot’s level x 10) EN as a Standard Action to itself, any squad member, or adjacent ally.
Cost: 700

From there, we move on to attacks. First, find the number of attacks your mech has under its Size and Cost.

7500 - 7999 = 3 (225 Potential Points)
8000 - 8499 = 4 (231 Potential Points)
8500 - 9000 = 5 (237 Potential Points)

4500 - 4999 = 4 (188 Potential Points)
5000 - 5499 = 5 (194 Potential Points)
5500 - 6000 = 6 (200 Potential Points)

2500 - 3499 = 2 (163 Potential Points)
3500 - 3999 = 3 (175 Potential Points)
4000 - 4500 = 4 (182 Potential Points)

From there, you use this template for each of your attacks.

Name: The name of the attack.
Description: What the attack is or does.
Type: The attack’s type. It is either Melee or Ranged.
Power: The base level of damage.
Range: The number of squares the attack can reach across.
Cost/Ammo: The attack’s EN cost or the amount of ammunition the attack has.
Required Will: The required Will the character has to have to use the attack.
Accuracy Bonus: The bonus the attack gives to the character’s Accuracy rating.
Critical Bonus: The bonus the attack gives when figuring out the attack’s critical bonus.
Required Skills: The required Pilot Skills needed to use the attack.
Attack Type: The attack’s type. There are eight types of weapons: Physical, Physical Blade, Energy, Energy Blade, Remote, Missiles, and Supreme.
Attribute: The kind of properties the attack has.
Tags: Any special abilities the attack has.

Using your Potential Points by dividing them as you see fit, your Potential Points allow for the following:

For 1 Potential Point:
+100 Attack Power
+1 Range
+5 Accuracy Bonus
+5% Critical Bonus

For 2 Potential Points
Add an Armor Down, Accuracy Down, or Mobility Down Tag to the attack.
Add a second Ignore Size or Barrier Pierce Tag to the attack.
Add the Post-Movement Attribute to the attack.

For 5 Potential Points
Add the MAP Attribute to one of your attacks with <5000 Power.
Add the TRI Attribute to one of your attacks with <5000 Power. Each mech has one attack with this Tag for free.
Add the PLA Attribute to one of your attacks.
Add the ALL Attribute to one of your attacks. Only one attack can have this Tag.

Range, Ammo, EN Costs, Will, Attributes, and Tags[edit]

With Ranged attacks, you have the option of shifting the range of the attack forward one square. So instead of having an attack with Range 1-5, you can have it reach 2-6.

When you have attack that consumes ammunition, use the following table to determine the amount of ammunition the attack has.

1000-1900 = 12
2000-2900 = 8
3000-3900 = 6
4000-4900 = 3
5000+ = 1

When you have an attack that consumes Energy, use this table:

1000-1900 = 5 EN
2000-2900 = 10 EN
3000-3900 = 15 EN
4000-4900 = 20 EN
5000+ = 25 EN

As a rule, for attacks that have 3000+ Power, a certain level of Will is required, as part of this table.

3000-3400 = 105 Will
3500-3900 = 110 Will
4000-4400 = 115 Will
4500-4900 = 120 Will
5000-5400 = 125 Will
5500+ = 130 Will

Attributes are special attributes that are attached to attacks and are generally used in squad-on-squad combat. Each of the Tags does the following:

Post-Movement: The attack can be utilized after moving.
MAP: A MAP attack has the ability to attack a number of units within a certain area in a certain shape. This attack, however, has the potential for friendly fire, and must calculate hits for all targets (friend and foe) in the melee.
TRI: A TRI attack can only be used when your squad is in the TRI Formation. Only 1 of the mech’s attacks can and must have the TRI Attribute. All members simultaneously use their TRI attack when the leader uses this attack. As a rule, these attacks all have the Barrier Pierce tag for free.
PLA: A PLA attack is used when your squad is in Center Formation. The two wingmen in this formation use these attacks at a -20% penalty to pre-Final Damage.
ALL: This attack attacks all members of an enemy squad when used.

Tags are unique add-on effects that allow you to inflict additional effects to the enemy.

Barrier Pierce: The attack can ignore Barrier Abilities. One attack has this for free. A second attack costs 2 Potential Points.
Ignore Size: The attack can ignore Size Penalties. One attack has this for free. A second attack costs 2 Potential Points.
Armor Down: If the attack inflicts damage, reduce the target’s Armor by 200.
Mobility Down: If the attack inflicts damage, reduce the target’s Mobility by 30. Only the weakest attack may have this tag.
Accuracy Down: If the attack inflicts damage, reduce the target’s Accuracy by 30.