Meeting of the minds-A gathering in the Library of Amber
King Random walks into the Library of Amber and greets the grim looking crowd in the small conference hall between the stacks including law books on one side and comic books on the other, Not for the first time Random looks at the stacks and admires the magical irony of the book's placement. On his arm as he enters is Vialle, dressed in potter's clothes as if she is fresh from the wheel.
Looking over the room the cast of characters is an unusual one. Benedict and Bleys sit on padded low chairs, a small table between them with a decanter of blue tequila. They both looks as if they are fresh from the field. Caine stands at the back of the chamber looking over a comic book of law. Delwin stands with Flora turning away from an animated conversation. Hymal Urien, the Steward of Amber sits at the table with as angry a scowl as any has seen on the usually friendly man. With him is Shannon Feldane who as Warlord of Amber is the second in command of the military of Amber. Arloxedra and the Elite Faroooq sit at a low table to the south side, both dreading the attention of the king. Fiona and Dalt stand together wine glasses in hand. With them is Rinaldo of Kashra and Asher Redhanded, the two sons of Brand.
Vance, Agrom, and Vander stand together at something near attention, dressed in star fleet daily uniforms. Away from the rest stands the massive form of Shaz Far, bare skinned in bracers and pauldrens, breech cloth and boots. His look is one having just had a clean spell cast on him or his body would be covered in blood and gore.
Lastly, taking a trio of chairs in an angle of the stacks are Julian of Adagalasck, Relmopator and Fortunadus Enright.
Random looks around and says, “Well, where is he and where is my drink?”
Around the room quiet faces look up at the short king from their seats.
Random seats Viale at a comfortable chair and leans sits on its arm rest.
“Is one of you going to answer me or do I need to call a roll call?”
Arlo breaks the silence, “He is in the kitchens and then on his way. Margot wanted to speak to him.”
Random, “How charming. Shaz, its a rare pleasure to see you in Amber. Would you like to tell the tale before Brand gets here?”
Shaz smiles a smile dripping with death. “A pleasure, dread king. You had a cadre of the blood of Amber and their elites investigating some dynastic issues in Tazilwere. After detecting some abyssal issues my uncle Vek suggested to them they enlist my aid. Mainly for muscle, the three and one half amberites could probably managed. There were subsistence taxing mercenaries and a near thousand of them. They faced an abyssal imp with a few million summoned hamsters, dealt with a Masoja Dufiro of Death who was bound to a spike and tied to kill villagers. “
Fiona says, “there was a Half Amberite?”
Random says, “Yes, Alexandra Mira, We'll get to that.” Then waves Shaz to continue.
Shaz goes on. “The Royal farm, if you can believe it, had 4 massive building secured with Abyssal lock spells. Your Alexandra showed she had an abyssal mark and managed to open the locks on two buildings. We entered one, found the Elite Cash Gagal hung upside down like a deer for draining. Beroe he told us the creature calling herself Queen of Tazilwere was below. She was Laravela, daughter of Brand. An Abyssal Lord, Lord of Chaos, and currently under a death warrant from the Courts of Chaos.”
Bleys says, “What did she do in Chaos to get a death warrant?”
Shaz smiles,“Ask the High Lord. Bttle was engaged and in the end, Skadi of Mandalay decapitated Laravela. You have the vouchsafe for me, liege?”
Random nods to Arlo who pulls out a thick envelop which Shaz gathers up.
Fiona says, “There was a Death Curse? “
Random nods, “Of course. '"Damn the Jailers. Jail the Damned. Free my Outcast Father."'”
Arlo says, “I felt the curse take effect. Another itch for me. My Jailer power over Brand disappeared, as did Faroooq's. And the door to Brand's cell won't lock. “
Random adds, “I am assured by the Jewel that Brand can come and go as he pleases now. No pattern-based binding will hold him. Possibly forever.”
Benedict says casually,”He is under a death sentence. Tell me to do so and I shall carry out the execution. “
At that moment Brand walks in, a basket of bottles in one hand and a basket of of small containers in the other. He chuckles, “Well its nice to be on people's minds. Margot told me to bring this stuff up and lay out a spread. I'll be over here setting up the table. Don't let me interrupt. You wouldn't want to upset Queen Margot by killing me before lunch, would you Benedict? She is the mother of one of your children isn't she?”
Benedict gives a rare smile, “I would gladly calm her anger if I had the chance to calm some of mine, brother.”
Brand chuckles as he sets out platters of meat and cheese, pickles and olives, and bottles of wine.”
The room watches Brand quietly, tension tight in the air.
Brand fixes a small tray and brings it to Vialle. “Olives of Tazilwere. Pickles from Ardendelle. A small amount of Rebman sweet kelp. Tazil goat sausages. Kashran white chedder. And Margot sent a white and red tazil wines. Which would you prefer, my liege?”
Vialle says, “The white, please.” Brand returns top fill a glass and bring the bottle to set next to the queen.
Caine says, “I'll just have some of the cheese for now, waiter” Brand snickers.
Random looks at Brand. “I would guess you know more then you've told me. I have gathered this group to hear you public responses. I have their thoughts already. I hardly know whee to start.”
Fiona says, “Laravala.” Murmurs around the room confirm that was Random's topic of choice too.
Brand returns to the spread and fixes a plate heavy on cheese, olives and wine. He takes a seat in the heavy chair with its back to the stacks on crimes of espionage.
“Laravela. First off, let me be clear. She was not always crazy.Her mother was a abyssal creature somewhere in the Red Flayers region of the abyss. She was born in Krestrixiol, an Abyssal realm near the top. It has a lot of cross over into Black Zone worlds. A lot of commerce. And Fiona and Bleys know those realms well too. We spent a lot of years in those regions while we bartered for powers to claim Amber. Bleys and her spent a lot of time together if I remember right. Enough to deflower her I believe.”
Fiona looks at Bleys accusingly. He says, “Things happen fast in chaos.”
Random says, “Go on.”
He nods, “When we left Chaos she and her mother were guests of the Hendrakes. They being one of the main supporters of the war at its earliest conception. I spoke with Vek a couple years ago here. He said they met before Patternfall.”
Shaz Far says, “Yes, they did. They were especially close. Laravala gave herself to the Bone Warriors for bed sport often in those days. I had her myself. So did Vek. We were family trash at the time, given only a little attention, trained to die. Vek and I fought at Patternfall and we both bear accolade given to those who witnesses King Random be touched by the Unicorn. Of course we did it from the company of other prisoners of war. The time ratios in Chaos allowed Maylon to take Lintra's fertilized eggs and create the whole line of us. Vek, Gilva, Myself, Voya, Dara, and Merlin. All monsters.”
Vance says, “Voya is my wife, Lord Shaz.”
Shaz Far chuckles, “You pick strange bed sport Amberite.” Vance scowls at him.
Random says, “So she got freaky with the Bone Warriors? “
Shaz nods, “Yes. Vek in particualar spent time with her. A lot. He was always curious about Amber. Laravala was deeply dedicated to the party for War. Idolized Brand, Fiona and Bleys. Their Amber Cults began when they were considered heroes of Chaos. Worshiped and power was channeled to them as they tried to throw down Amber. I know Laravala served in all three cults. I also know she defiled the cult hall of Fiona and Bleys when they betrayed their oaths to Chaos. She was the High Priest of Brand at the end of the war and in his fall into the Abyss his cult became legendary.”
Brand says, “Ah, ya... she came into the abyss and found me. I was not myself. I was hardly alive. She took certain attunements of mine, including the possession of three of my personal shadows:Mimith, Gazdil, and Kyrux. Left me to die. She had a strong abyssal mark that enabled her to find me. Stronger then mine. But she also shared one of mine. As I gather from the adventure in Tazilwere, Alexandra has that mark as well.”
Caine asks, “How many marks do you have?”
Brand says, “Three, only one voluntary. One gets them if one spends time in the abyss. Like stamps in a passport. But lets not get distracted. She took one and learned how to use it, at the detriment of her sanity”