Mercury Mercenary PL10

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Mercury Mercenary File:Mercurymerc.jpg Real Name: Unknown
Group Affiliation: Crushers
Base of Operations: [insert your city here]
First Appearance: Crisis at Crusader Citadel, V&V, 1982
Power Level/Maximum Power Rank: 10
Personal Stats: Male, 28, 190 lbs.
History: 'Merc', as he is called by close associates, does not know his own original identity. His memory goes back only as far as a bloody conflict in South America in the early 80's. It was during that conflict he was apparently struck by a bolt of lightning. Unsure of which side he was on, his clothing and identification were too badly damaged, he took the uniform of a nearby casualty, donned a makeshift mask, and almost single-handedly won the battle for the side his new uniform represented.

Merc has made no attempt to remember who he really is, and in fact, avoids anything which might possibly remind him. He prefers to be a man without any allegiances, leaving himself open to hire by whoever holds up the most money. This attitude has made quite a wealthy man. (Source: International Catalogue of Superheroes)

Stats: Str 17, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 8; Saves Dam +3/+10, Fort +3, Ref +10, Will +1; Def 23/15 flat-footed; Init +8; Villain Points 5; Spd 60 feet; Att +12 unarmed (+3 S), +12 knife (+5 L), +12 pistol (+3 L), +12 assault rifle (+5 L), +12 grenades (+6 L, Area);

Skills: Bluff +7, Taunt +8;

Feats: Attack Focus (Ranged), Dodge, Evasion, Far Shot, Lightning Reflexes, Move-by Attack, Multishot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot;

Super-Powers: Super-Speed +6 (36 PP), Super-Charisma +6 (12 PP): Equipment: Knife +2 L (2 PP), Pistol +3 L (3 PP), Assault rifle +5 L (Extra: Autofire; Flaw: Uses; 5 PP), Grenades, fragmentation +6 L (Extra: Area; Flaw: Uses; 6 PP).