Mica(Pokemon Harmony)

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Current Status[edit]

Hit Points: 38/38
Injuries: None
Combat Stages:

Level: 7
EXP: 60
Tutor Points: 2


Athletics 3d6+2
Acrobatics 2d6
Combat 2d6+2
Stealth 2d6
Perception 2d6
Focus 3d6+1

Poke Edges[edit]


Nature: Hardy (+Attack, -Attack)

Stat Base Added Total
HP 4 3 7
Attack 8 3 11
Defense 10 3 13
Special Attack 3 3 6
Special Defense 3 3 6
Speed 2 2 4

Capabilities and Derived Stats[edit]

Physical Evasion 2
Special Evasion 1
Speed Evasion 0
Power 3
Overland 4
Burrow 3
Swim 2
Levitate 3
High Jump 0
Long Jump 1
Volatile Bomb


Effect: The Pokémon is immune to the damage and effects of Ground Type Moves, and gains a Levitate Speed of 4, or has existing Levitate Speeds increased by +2. Defensive

Moves Known (with STAB and Stats)[edit]

Struggle Attack (not a Move, STAB never applies)
Type: Normal
Frequency: At-Will
AC: 4
Damage Base 4: 1d8+17 / 21
Class: Physical
Range: Melee, 1 Target

Move: Tackle
Type: Normal
Frequency: At-Will
AC: 2
Damage Base 5: 1d8+19 / 23
Class: Physical
Range: Melee, 1 Target, Dash, Push
Effect: The target is pushed 2 Meters

Move: Defense Curl
Type: Normal
Frequency: At Will
AC: None
Class: Status
Range: Self
Effect: The user’s Defense is raised 1 Combat Stage and they become Curled Up until the end of the Scene or they are Recalled or Take a Breather. When using the Moves Rollout or Ice Ball while Curled Up, the user gains a +10 bonus to the damage rolls of those Moves

Move: Mud Sport
Type: Ground
Frequency: EOT
AC: None
Class: Status
Range: Burst 2
Effect: All targets in the burst, including the user, gain aCoat which grants them 1 Step of Resistance to Electric Type Moves. After a target has been hit by a damaging Electric Type Move, the coat is removed.

Move: Rock Polish
Type: Rock
Frequency: EOT
AC: None
Class: Status
Range: Self
Effect: Raise the user’s Speed 2 Combat Stages.