Micah Just Micah
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Micah, Just Micah[edit]
Class: Fighting Man
Alignment: Unaligned
- Strength: 11
- Intelligence: 09
- Wisdom: 10
- Constitution: 08
- Dexterity: 11
- Charisma: 14
AC: 6 HP: 15/15
Level: 2 XP Total: 4400 XP Needed:
Equipment: 3*s with spear (12" move) (4s with crossbow or 5s with crossbow+spear, 9" move) Encumbrance Total : 9s (6" move)
- Gear Carried
- Crossbow quarrels x30 (10g, 1/3s)
- Rope (1g, 1/3s)
- Pole (1g, 1s)
- Spikes (1g, 1/3s)
- Iron rations (15g, 1s)
- Waterskin (1g, 1/3s)
- Oil Flasks x4 (8g, 1*s)
- Weapons
- Spear (3g,1s)
- Heavy Crossbow (25g, 2s)
- Armor
- Helmet (10g,1/3s)
- Shield (10g,1s)
- Leather Armor (15g, 1s)
- Treasure & Coinage:
Background & Description:
A rank and file infantryman who got separated from his unit, Micah faces execution for desertion if he returns. Now he's just looking to survive in a world that wants to eat him.
Fighting Style:
- Hide behind a shield and stab or shoot. Run away from everything that could kill you.