Michael O'Connor

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Mayor Michael O'Connor (Jr.) is the son of Freedom City's Golden Age hero, the Freedom Eagle. Thus, he grew up with the realization that superheroes were meant to be champions of the little guy and not to necessarilly be feared. During the Moore Administration, Michael was a police officer and Commissioner. The rampant corruption and chaos plaguing the streets was enough to nearly get him killed several times but none of Moore's cronies lived long enough to serve as an adequate replacement.

Having been Mayor for close to fifteen years, elected in the aftermath of the Terminus Invasion and Moore's suicide, Michael has managed to rebuild the city to its former glories. He's done this, in no small part, due to the fact that he's relied heavily on the Freedom League to fight his battles for him. The fact that they've chosen to leave the city outrages him, since he's one of the few that realizes that the city is going to explode into chaos without them holding back the extremely well-armed evils in the city.

Michael is on his last term as Mayor of the City, the job having prematurely aged him, but he's determined that the city not fall to another puppet of organized crime or someone under-qualified to deal with the super villain threat that is a routine problem for Freedom City. He's very interested in setting up a relationship with super heroes who seem trustworthy and will attempt to contact them or listen to those who attempt to contact him. So far, he's been disappointed badly by those he's seen.

Role-playing Hints: Michael is an honest man in a dishonest city. While the City of Freedom is the greatest in the world, it's also rotten from top to bottom underneath its shining exterior. Michael is routinely the target of super villains and organized crime attempting to take him out because he's so far refused to be bought or intimidated. His one weak spot is his daughter, Michelle O'Connor, whom is a researcher at the Freedom City public library. Threats to her can result in him buckling where nothing else might.

Halt Evil Doer!