Microscope RPG--Rise and Fall of an Empire: Scene: The Second Renunciation of Yesel

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Dictated Scene: The Second Renunciation of Yesel[edit]

Tone: Light.

Legacy: The Land of Olu


Question: Why did the reincarnated Argi unanimously issue a formal renunciation and rebuke of the creator of their spiritual ancestors?

By the Age of Rebirth, the swamps of Olu had become an arid basin. But Glittering-Thought and the other reincarnated Argi rediscovered this homeland by plumbing the depths of their past lives' memories. These Reborn Argi built a new temple in this barren land in honor of the birthplace of their spiritual ancestors.

But they did not dedicate the temple to the god, Yesel. Instead, the Reborn Argi issued a second renunciation of Yesel. A renunciation more final and scathing than the first unsuccessful renunciation that occurred ages ago when the Argi walked the world in the flesh. This is the renunciation they issued and carved upon the altar in their new temple:

Be it known that the reincarnated descendants of the lost race of the Argi have formerly renounced their creator god, Yesel. Though Yesel had brought his children into the world and gave them wisdom beyond other races, He neglected their well-being. We hold Yesel responsible for the extinction of our spiritual ancestors in the flesh.

  • Yesel lingered idly in His divine realm while the Invisible Empire weakened the minds of His children and corrupted their jugement.
  • Yesel failed to prepare His children against the onslaught of the Pure Thought Crusade.
  • Yesel retreated from the world after the Argi were exterminated and never sought to resurrect His children.
  • Yesel abandoned the souls of the Argi to be reincarnated among other races worshipping other gods.

For all these reasons, we declare Yesel a god unworthy of praise and worship. From this point on, the Reborn Argi will seek new gods and new creeds from all the races in which we have been reincarnated.

Affirmed by the priests of the New Argi Temple:

Glittering-Thought-Which-Reaches-Beyond-the-Grasp-of-Its-Wings of the Silver Volant race, reincarnation of Minrue the Strategist
Innix of the Rorgi race, reincarnation of Basala the Weaver
Xeneros of the Human race, reincarnation of Xechu the Merchant
Gossamer Song of the Gh'aetric race, reincarnation of Melaster the Blacksmith
Udusunumurutunusu of the Ukudu race, reincarnation of the Prophet Oon'too

Question: Why did the reincarnated Argi unanimously issue a formal renunciation and rebuke of the creator of their spiritual ancestors?

Answer: They felt the creator of the Argi to be unworthy of his children.

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