Midnight Dream Spell: Zal to Lady Regret

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Dream Vision to Loomear, Lady of Despair

Dark Lady! Mistress of Suffering! Mother of Grief!

Hail to you from Kepak Za’al, Vepak i-nag’Zaoroth, Vepak bel-Vepak (Lord Za’al, Prince of Twilight; Prince among Princes)


I call upon you to aid me in my ongoing quest for power and glory. Already, I have walked far along the Ciliam Ghol-Tizat (Road of Bloody Silk), and I call upon you for aid in completing the last steps of my journey.

The broken bodies of my foes have been flayed and left for the carrion fowl; the shattered minds of my enemies beg for unfound death; the tortured souls of my victims lie screaming before me, devoured to sate my power.

The broken bodies of my foes lie wasted and spent at my feet; the shattered minds of my enemies beg and abase themselves for my love and friendship; the tortured souls of my victims lie screaming before me, devoured by their desire and lust.

Already the Caralzim (Succubi) know of me. Their blood is mine, and we grow powerful.

Grant me what little further knowledge I require, and our pleasures shall be great.

I am currently engaged in clandestine adventure with a pack of powerful fools; they are insufferable, but grant me many opportunities. Because of the needs of secrecy, I am unable to attend you presently; however, should your desire be piqued, feel quite free to call for my presence or to pay a call upon me, and I will gladly entertain all of your concerns.

Also, as I imagine proper consorts are difficult to find in these niggardly times, I’m sure an equitable arrangement could be reached.

May your enemies’ pain turn to your pleasure,

Kepak Za’al