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High Concept[edit]

Breton Singer of Blades - Mierin is a Breton singer with the ability to enchant weapons with her voice.


I sing blades, I don't use them! - Mierin is not skilled at close combat, and doesn't know much about close combat weapons.


Former Bard of High Rock - Mierin used to be The Bard of High Rock, she's that good. Trouble is, she liked the women of the court too much for her career.


I have Orlaith in my dreams - Upon laying eyes upon Orlaith, Mierin's heart was taken, and now all her songs are about the Dunmer woman.

Free Aspect[edit]

I sing and the rocks listen - Mierin's voice is unearthly. It's not just weapons she can enchant.


  • Careful [+0]
  • Clever [+2]
  • Flashy [+3]
  • Forceful [+1]
  • Quick [+2]
  • Sneaky [+1]


  • Song of Fire: Once per scene, gain a +2 to Flashily create an advantage on a bladed weapon 'Flametongue' with 1 extra Invocation if successful.
  • Song of Sleep: Gain +2 to Sneakily create an advantage related to sleep or drowsiness.
  • Cutting Words: Permission for Flashy Attack using Satire or Puns to cause direct harm. Spend a Fate Point to give that attack Weapon 1 for one scene.

Refresh [3]