Miki Donaldson

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Miki Donaldson[edit]

Character Profile[edit]

Miki Donaldson
Age: 10
Birth date: May 6th
Height: 136cm (4' 5&1/2")
Weight: 30.5kg (67.25 lbs)
Hair: Dark Reddish Brown
Eyes: Green
Blood Type: A
Western Zodiac: Taurus
Club: Theater
Favorite Subjects: History, Math
Least Favorite Subject: P.E.
Favorite Colors: Green, Blue and Silver
Favorite Flowers: Fairy Duster (Calliandra Eriophylla), Sunflower (Garaea Canescens)
Favorite Foods: Ice Cream, Noodles (almost any kind), Tacos (American style)
Least Favorite Foods: Konnyaku (Eew, where's the flavor?!)

Looking at her birthday, if this is at the beginning of the year she's either just about to turn eleven, or she might actually be just days from turning ten. And poor P.E., having potential health concerns pop up from time to time can suck all the fun out of it. Making her shorter also helps explain the Ageism level 2 with short, cute, and awkward combined with a disability.

Character Sheet[edit]

Regular World[edit]

  • Body: 3
  • Mind: 5
  • Soul: 4

  • ACV/DCV: 4/2
  • HP: 35
  • EP: 45
  • SV: 7

Appearance: level 1 (Cute)
Dimensional Portal (cockroach kingdom)
Highly Skilled: level 2 (+20 skill points)
Personal Gear: level 1 (1 major, 4 minor)

  • Major item: 'computer lab' in her room at home. Broadband connection, access to lots of online services, scanner, video editing software, color laser printer, etc.
  • Minor items: Nice sub-laptop/tablet computer, really nice camcorder

-Ageism: level 2 Miki would probably only have it at level 1, but the combination of cuteness, awkwardness and disability make enough people treat her as if she were still a younger child -- much to her annoyance) Could be viewed as really being a mix of -Ageism level 1 and physical ability discrimination level 1.
-Awkward: level 1 Miki's body never quite fully recovered from the car accident she was in, leaving her with occasional problems with coordination and dizzy spells.
-Nemesis: level 1 One of the boys in her class is convinced that Miki is just putting on a brave front and needs someone to make sure that she doesn't do anything dangerous or push herself to hard. He's not mean, and could even be a potential boyfriend if he would just stop driving her crazy with his over protectiveness.
-Not-so-fast: level 1
-Sensory Impairment: Hard of hearing. The car accident resulted in problems with her ears. Her left ear suffered only partial hearing loss, but without her hearing aid her right ear will barely hear anything. With her hearing aid she can hear well enough for day to day life so long as she concentrates. (Her version of sticking her fingers in her ears and going la-la-la is to switch off her hearing aid and pull out one of her textbooks.)

Skills: (One skill point left over)
Artisan (Jewelry) level 1
Biological Sciences (Botany, Ecology, Entomology(insects)) level 1
Computers (Databases, programming) level 1
Cultural Arts (History) level 2
Linguistics (Japanese, Chinese, English) (Hmm, if we're still using the find-a-magic-book origin Miki might have been the one to read/translate it)
Medical (First Aid) level 1
Physical Sciences (Physics) level 1
Visual Arts (Drawing) level 2
Writing (Academic) level 1

Miki has has been viewed as a child prodigy for as long as she can remember. She started talking early, could read and write already by the time she entered pre-school, and often found her classmates asking for study help. She spoke English before her classmates even had an English textbook owing to her family's trips to visit relatives in the United States. However, it was these trips that brought her troubles. Two years ago while driving from the airport the family car was struck by a reckless driver, striking right by Miki's seat. While their lives were saved by their seatbelts and airbags, Miki was hurt the worst of all. Over the next six months she had to learn to walk again, and to adapt to the head injuries that damaged her hearing. Even with the best care available she was still using crutches and trying to deny that she really needed her hearing aid.

Her family's wealth allowed them to hire tutors to help her pass the time in the hospital, allowing her to leave even further ahead of her classmates than before the accident. But their money couldn't stop her fellow students opinions from being effected. Some of them simply stayed away from her as if afraid her injuries were infectious. Others would still ask her for help with classwork but otherwise ignore her. Worst were the people who thought her injuries meant that she was helpless and needed to be taken care of, or a helpless victim for pranks. During the first weeks back at school she quickly learned who were her true friends and who had simply been classmates. Those who have stuck with her have found her to be a loyal and thankful friend.

Cockroach Kingdom[edit]

Miki “Dragonfly Princess” Donaldson

  • Body: 4 (+1 from normal)
  • Mind: 5
  • Soul: 5

Appearance: level 1 (Cute)
Dimensional Portal (cockroach kingdom)
Energy Bonus: level 1 (+10 EP)
Highly Skilled: level 2 (+20 skill points)
Personal Gear: level 1 (1 major, 4 minor)
Major item: 'computer lab' in her room at home. Broadband connection, access to lots of online services, scanner, video editing software, color laser printer, etc.
Minor items: Nice sub-laptop/tablet computer, really nice camcorder

  • Magic (Magical Bughunter Miki powers): level 3

-Personal Gear “Dragonfly Treasure Chest” level 1 (summon up to 1 major, 4 minor) 1pp -Flight “Sparkling Dragonfly Wing Boost!” level 2 8pp -Light Armor “Azure Chitin Scales” level 3 3pp -Life Support “Emerald Chitin Cloak” level 1 1pp -Water Speed (Amphibious) “Waterkin Dragon Metamorphosis” level 2 6pp -Healing “Dragonfly Princess' tears” level 1 3pp

Ageism: level 1 (She still looks like a kid even if she no longer has the other “ism” troubles)
Nemesis: level 1 Is this the same nemesis as in the regular world, or an annoyance in the cockroach kingdom? Only the GM knows for now.

(Bought off one level of Ageism, Awkward, Not-so-Fast, and Sensory Impairment)

Skills: (One skill point left over)
Artisan (Jewelry) level 1
Biological Sciences (Botany, Ecology, Entomology(insects)) level 1
Computers (Databases, programming) level 1
Cultural Arts (History) level 2
Linguistics (Japanese, Chinese, English) (Hmm, if we're still using the find-a-magic-book origin Miki might have been the one to read/translate it)
Medical (First Aid) level 1
Physical Sciences (Physics) level 1
Visual Arts (Drawing) level 2
Writing (Academic) level 1

Bought with another level of Highly Skilled: “Dragonfly Princess Skills”
Archery(bows) level 1
Unarmed Defense level 1

Miki really enjoys her opportunities to become Miki the Dragonfly Bughunter since she gains back her lost agility and hearing, the need to fight at times is simply an annoyance to be endured. And the smiles of the people helped, that makes the decision so much easier when the bughunters find themselves approaching another fight. She isn't the best one to have at the front of the fight, but she helps the best she can.