Mirror Character - 3
Svarthauk Shadowblade
High Elf Eldritch Knight 11/War Wizard 2
Str 10 (+0)
Dex 20 (+5)
Con 14 (+2)
Int 14 (+2)
Wis 12 (+1)
Cha 8 (-1)
HP 94/
AC 23
Init +7
Spd 30
Proficiency +5
Spell Slots: 4//3/2
Spell Attack +7 Spell Save DC 15
L3 Shadowblade: Attack +11, Damage 3d8+8 Psychic, 3 Attacks
L2 Shadowblade: Attack +11, Damage 2d8+8 Psychic, 3 Attacks
Rapier: Attack +10, Damage 1d8+7 Piercing, 3 Attacks
Booming L3 Shadowblade: Attack +11, Damage 5d8+8 plus 3d8 Thunder if target moves
Booming L2 Shadowblade: Attack +11, Damage 4d8+8 plus 3d8 Thunder if target moves
Booming Rapier: Attack +10, Damage 3d8+7 plus 3d8 Thunder if target moves
High Elf[edit]
+2 Dex, +1 Int, Medium, Darkvision 60’, Elf Weapon Training, Trance, Fey Ancestry, Cantrip
Fighter 11[edit]
Proficiencies, Fighting Style (Duelling), Second Wind (Recover 1d10+11 HP as a Bonus Action), Action Surge, Extra Attack (2), Indomitable
Eldritch Knight[edit]
Spellcasting (Uses Int, 3 Cantrips, 6 Abjuration/Evocation spells, 2 Any School spells), Weapon Bond, War Magic, Eldritch Strike
Wizard 2[edit]
Spellcasting (Uses Int, 3 Cantrips, 8 Spells Known, Spellbook, Ritual Casting, Spellcasting Focus, Prepare 4 spells), Arcane Recovery
War Wizard[edit]
Arcane Deflection (Reaction to get +2 AC or +4 to a Save), Tactical Wit
Specialty: Wizard’s Apprentice, Proficiencies, Researcher
Elven Accuracy (When you have Advantage, roll three times, +1 Dex)
Warcaster (Cast with hands full of weapons and shields, Advantage on Con saves for Concentration, cast a spell as an Opportunity Attack)
Martial and Simple Weapons, All Armor, Shields, Con saves, Str saves, Perception, Athletics, Acrobatics, Arcana, History
Dwarf Trade-Tongue, Elvish, Sylvan, Draconic, Tiefling
Booming Blade, Control Flames, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Minor Illusion, Message, Mending
L1 Eldritch Knight[edit]
Shield, Absorb Elements, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Protection from Good and Evil, Longstrider
L1 Wizard[edit]
Find Familiar, Identify, Detect Magic, *Longstrider, *Fog Cloud, *Silent Image, Disguise Self, Comprehend Languages, *Feather Fall, Tenser’s Floating Disc, Unseen Servant
L2 Eldritch Knight[edit]
Shadow Blade, Misty Step
Rapier, 2 Daggers, Longbow, 20 Arrows, Shield, Arcane Focus, Healing Draughts, Dragonhide Leather (Studded Fire-Resistant Leather +2), Cloak of Protection +1, Broom of Flying, Ring of Free Action, Shadowblade Ring (Makes Shadowblade a +1 Weapon)