Miss Liberty

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Miss Liberty[edit]

  • PL 14 (max 13)
  • Hero Points: 7


  • STR: 20 (+5 +11(SuperStr) = +16)
  • DEX: 20 (+5)
  • CON: 20 (+5)
  • INT: 14 (+2)
  • WIS: 16 (+3)
  • CHA: 16 (+3)

[46p for Attributes]


  • Base Attack Bonus: 5 [15p]
    • Melee: 5(BAB) +5(Str) = +10
    • Ranged: 5(BAB) +5(Dex) = +10
  • Base Defense Bonus: 5 [10p]
    • Defense: 10 +5(BDB) +5(Dex) = 20
    • Flatfooted: 10 +5(BDB) = 15
  • Initiative: +5(Dex) = +5
  • Unarmed Damage: +5(Str) +10(Super-Str) = +15S or +15L
  • Speed: 30/ 60/ 120
  • Flight Speed: 50/ 100/ 204,800(due to Super-Flight)
    • Flight Sprint: 204,800 ft/round = 6.46 miles/sec = 38.76 miles/round = 388 miles/min = 23,272 miles/hr.
    • (Note: The circumference of the Earth at the equator is 24,900 miles, so she can circle the Earth in an hour at most latitudes.) ([i]Note:[/i] Low earth orbit is at ~220 miles => she can reach it in 6 rounds)


  • Dam: +5(Con) +2(Toughness) = +7 (Also Protection 10)
  • Fort: +5(Con)
  • Refl: +5(Dex)
  • Will: +3(Wis)


  • All-Out Attack (During Attack, can take up to -5 on Dodge & add same to Attack)
  • Darkvision (Able to see in the dark)
  • Durability (Lethal damage with bonus <= Damage Save (= 6) becomes Stun damage instead)
  • Fame (Since she seems to be pretty well known)
  • Identity Change (Can transform into her "normal identity": Missy Morgan)
  • Move-By Attack (Can move before and after an Attack)
  • Power Attack (During Attack, can take up to -5 on Attack & add same to Damage.)
  • Sidekick (Achilles! Yes, she has a super dog.  ;-)
  • Toughness (+2 to Damage Saves)
  • True Sight (Always make Saves vs. Illusion)
  • Takedown Attack (If Melee attack stuns/disables opponent, can attack another within reach.)
  • Rapid Takedown (As Takedown, but unlimited # per round. Vs. minions, one successful attack hits a number of minions within reach equal to her Base Attack Bonus (= 5).)

[24p for Feats]


Power: Comprehend 5 (10p)

  • Flaw: Only spoken languages, not written text (-5p)
  • Miss Liberty speaks the languages of all good people the world over!

Power: Flight 10 (20p)

  • Stunt: Super-Flight (2p) (Flight-Sprint @ x4096)
  • Wherever she is needed, Miss Liberty speeds her way!

Power: Super-Strength 11 (44p)

  • Extra: Immunities (10p)
    • (Aging, Critical, Disease, Energy/Cold, Energy/Heat, Exhaustion, Poison, Pressure, Starvation, Suffocation)
  • Extra: Protection 11 (11p)
  • Extra: SuperBreath 11 (11p) ((I had to take this, because it's so ridiculous...  ;-)
  • Stunt: Able to do either Stun or Lethal damage (2p)
  • Like a figure of legend, the Maid of Might fights evil with all the courage of her heart!

Power: Weather Control 2 (4p)

  • The Sun always shines over Miss Liberty! (At night, the Stars shine upon her.  :-)
  • (( This is a largely unconscious effect that makes nice weather in a 1-mile radius around her. She can make it stop if she thinks about it.))

Item: Magic Mirror

  • Telepathy 6 (12p)
    • Extra: Illusion 6 (6p)
  • Flaw - Device (-6p)
  • Flaw - Power(s) are limited to only one Effect (-6p)
  • The mirror that grants Miss Liberty her powers shows the true reflection of the viewer's soul!

[115p for Powers]


Skills: / Base / Rank / Total / Cost / Notes

  • Acrobatics 5(Dex) +2 = 7 / 1p
  • Diplomacy 3(Cha) +2 = 5 / 1p
  • Handle Animal 3(Cha) +2 = 5 / 1p
  • Intimidate 15(SStr) +0= 15 / 0p
  • Know (supers) 2(Int) +2 = 4 / 1p
  • Language 0(base) +2 = 2 / 1p high-school French
  • Listen 3(Wis) +2 = 5 / 1p
  • Medicine 3(Wis) +2 = 5 / 1p
  • Perform 3(Cha) +2 = 5 / 1p Singing
  • Ride 5(Dex) +2 = 7 / 1p Horses
  • Survival 3(Wis) +2 = 5 / 1p from Camping

10p for Skills


  • Naive (-10p)

[-10p for Weaknesses]

220p -10p = 210p Total

Appearance [edit]

Miss Liberty is a stunning vision of heroism! Her dark hair shines like the night, reflecting light like tiny stars. Her face is lovely and caring, quick to smile and always ready to help another. She stands straight and proud (5ft 7in), with the form of an athlete and the figure of a movie star. When she meets your eyes, you know that she is seeing *you*.

Her costume, which magically appears when she transforms, is a blue blouse with white stars arcing up from the left hip to the right shoulder, then back again along her back; a knee-length skirt with red-and-white vertical stripes; and white knee-high boots. Miss Liberty does not wear a mask.

Bigger than life, Miss Liberty radiates a purity of purpose that shines as an example to us all!

Missy(Melissa) Morgan[edit]

  • PL 2


  • STR 10 (+0)
  • DEX 6 (-2) (lame)
  • CON 14 (+2)
  • INT 14 (+2)
  • WIS 14 (+2)
  • CHA 14 (+2)

[12p for Attributes]


  • Base Attack Bonus: 2 [6p]
    • Melee: 2(BAB) +0(Str) = +2
    • Ranged: 2(BAB) -2(Dex) = +0
  • Base Defense Bonus: 4 [8p]
    • Defense: 10 +4(BDB) -2(Dex) = 12
    • Flatfooted: 10 +4(BDB) -2(Dex) = 12
  • Initiative: -2(Dex) = -2
  • Speed: 20/40/60 (lame, due to polio as a child)


  • Dam: +2(Con) +2(Toughness) = 4
  • Fort: +2(Con)
  • Refl: +2(Dex)
  • Will: +2(Wis)


  • Durability (Lethal damage with bonus <= Damage Save (= 4) becomes Stun damage instead)
  • Identity Change
  • Toughness (+2 to Damage Saves)
  • True Sight (Always make Saves vs. Illusion)

[8p for Feats]


Skills: / Base / Rank / Total / Cost / Notes

  • Diplomacy 2(Cha) +2 = 4 / 1p
  • Handle Animal 2(Cha) +4 = 6 / 2p
  • Know (supers) 2(Int) +2 = 4 / 1p
  • Language 0(base) +2 = 2 / 1p High school French
  • Listen 2(Wis) +2 = 4 / 1p
  • Medicine 2(Wis) +2 = 4 / 1p from spending time in Hospitals
  • Perform 2(Cha) +2 = 4 / 1p Singing
  • Profession 2(Wis) +4 = 6 / 2p Teaching
  • Ride -2(Dex)-5(lame)+10 = 3 / 5p Horses
  • Survival 2(Wis) +2 = 4 / 1p from Camping

[16p for Skills]


  • Naive (-10p)
  • Slow (Lame) (-10p) (Her right leg is an inch shorter than the left, as a result of a case of polio. She wears a built-up shoe on her right foot and a brace on her lower leg.)

[-20p for Weaknesses]

30p total


Missy Morgan is a slender, rather pretty young Caucasian woman with dark brown hair, glasses, and a quick smile. She is of average height (5ft 5in), and stands with good posture which is thrown off by her one shorter leg. She walks with an obvious limp and sometimes uses a cane or (rarely) crutches. She wears ankle-length dresses and carries a shoulder bag/purse for personal things. Missy appears to be around 20 years old, though her wide-eyed innocence suggests that she might be younger. (Although Miss Liberty doesn't wear a mask, her 'secret identity' is not greatly at risk. Her face as Miss Liberty is an idealized version of Missy's. If someone studied the two of them closely he might think they were related, but he probably wouldn't think they were the same person.)

Achilles, the Mighty Mastiff [edit]

  • PL 11


  • STR 16 (+3 +7(SuperStr) = +10)
  • DEX 18 (+4)
  • CON 16 (+3)
  • INT 8 (-2)
  • WIS 10 (+0)
  • CHA 14 (+2)

[22p for Attributes]


  • Base Attack Bonus: 5 [15p]
    • Melee: 5(BAB) +3(Str) = +8
    • Ranged: 5(BAB) +4(Dex) = +9
  • Base Defense Bonus: 4 [8p]
    • Defense: 10 +4(BDB) +4(Dex) = 18
    • Flatfooted: 10 +4(BDB) = 14
  • Initiative: +4(Dex) = +4
  • Unarmed Damage: +3(Str) +7(Super-Str) = +10S or +10L(bite)
  • Speed: 30/ 60/ 120
  • Flight Speed: 50/ 100/ 204,800(due to Super-Flight)
    • Flight Sprint: 204,800 ft/round = 6.46 miles/sec = 388 miles/min = 23,272 miles/hr.


  • Dam: +3(Con) +2(Toughness) = +5 (Also Protection 7 + Amazing Save 2 = 9 more)
  • Fort: +3(Con) +2(Amazing Save) = +5
  • Refl: +4(Dex) +2(Amazing Save) = +6
  • Will: +0(Wis) +2(Amazing Save) = +2


  • All-Out Attack (During Attack, can take up to -5 on Dodge & add same to Attack)
  • Darkvision (Able to see in the dark)
  • Durability (Lethal damage with bonus <= Damage Save (= 6) becomes Stun damage instead)
  • Identity Change (Can transform into his "normal identity": Achilles)
  • Move-By Attack (Can move before and after an Attack)
  • Power Attack (During Attack, can take up to -5 on Attack & add same to Damage.)
  • Toughness (+2 to Damage Saves)
  • True Sight (Always make Saves vs. Illusion)

[16p for Feats]


Power: Amazing Save 2 (8p)

  • Extra: All four Saves are affected

Power: Flight 10 (20p)

  • Stunt: Super-Flight (2p) (Flight-Sprint @ x4096)

Power: Super-Senses 4 (4p)

Power: Super-Strength 7 (42p)

  • Extra: Immunity (7p)
    • (Aging, Disease, Exhaustion, Poison, Pressure, Starvation, Suffocation)
  • Extra: Protection (7p)
  • Stunt: Able to do either Stun or Lethal damage (2p)

[96p for Powers]


Skills: / Base / Rank / Total / Cost / Notes

  • Acrobatics 4(Dex) +2 = 6 / 1p
  • Hide 4(Dex) +2 = 6 / 1p
  • Jump 3(Str) +2 = 5 / 1p
  • Listen 3(Wis) +2 = 5/9 / 1p +4 (Super-Senses)
  • Move Silently 4(Dex) +2 = 6 / 1p
  • Spot 3(Wis) +4 = 7/11 / 2p +4 (Super-Senses)
  • Survival 3(Wis) +2 = 5/9 / 1p +4 to Tracking (Super-Senses)

[8p for Skills]

165p Total

Appearance [edit]

In his "super" form, Achilles is larger and sleeker than he is as a normal dog. His coat is pure black and seems to shine with opalescent colors from reflected light.

A small cape appears around his neck. It is blue with white stars, like Miss Liberty's blouse.

If Missy is nearby, he changes when she does, carried along in the wake of her mystic transformation. Miss Liberty can also cause him to change to 'super-dog' if she comes across him later; she looks into his eyes and he sees his 'true self' reflected in her gaze. It is possible that Achilles could also transform himself by looking into a mirror or reflecting pond and imagining the 'heroic self' within him, but it's not the sort of thing he'd think to try.

In his super form, Achilles *loves* to fly fast, particularly racing with Miss Liberty.

Achilles (normal) [edit]

  • PL 3


  • STR 14 (+2)
  • DEX 14 (+2)
  • CON 14 (+2)
  • INT 6 (-3)
  • WIS 10 (+0)
  • CHA 12 (+1)

[10p for Attributes]


  • Base Attack Bonus: 3 [9p]
    • Melee: 3(BAB) +2(Str) = +5
    • Ranged: 3(BAB) +2(Dex) = +5 (but N/A for a dog)
  • Base Defense Bonus: 3 [6p]
    • Defense: 10 +3(BDB) +2(Dex) = 15
    • Flatfooted: 10 +3(BDB) = 13
  • Initiative: +2(Dex) = +2
  • Unarmed Damage: +2(Str) +2(Natural Weapon) = +4S or +4L
  • Speed: 30/ 60/ 120


  • Dam: +2(Con) +2(Toughness) = +5
  • Fort: +2(Con)
  • Refl: +2(Dex)
  • Will: +0(Wis)


  • All-Out Attack (During Attack, can take up to -5 on Dodge & add same to Attack)
  • Durability (Lethal damage with bonus <= Damage Save (= 6) becomes Stun damage instead)
  • Identity Change (Can transform into his "super identity")
  • Power Attack (During Attack, can take up to -5 on Attack & add same to Damage.)
  • Toughness (+2 to Damage Saves)
  • True Sight (Always make Saves vs. Illusion)

[12p for Feats]


Skills: / Base / Rank / Total / Cost / Notes

  • Acrobatics 2(Dex) +2 = 4 / 1p
  • Hide 2(Dex) +2 = 4 / 1p
  • Jump 2(Str) +2 = 4 / 1p
  • Listen 0(Wis) +2 = 2 / 1p
  • Move Silently 2(Dex) +2 = 4 / 1p
  • Spot 0(Wis) +4 = 4 / 2p
  • Survival 0(Wis) +2 = 2 / 1p

[8p for Skills]

45p total


Achilles is a black labrador / german shepard mix. His coat is black and brown with some gray around the neck. He's about five years old, and joined the Morgan household when he was a puppy. (His mother belongs to one of their neighbors.)

Achilles lives with Missy now. He is a friendly dog, and seems to share his human friend's optimistic view of life.

He is inordinately fond of carrots.  :-)