Mister Freeze PL9

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MR. FREEZE PL: 9, Ice Cold Criminal, Name: Victor Fries, Male, Size: Medium; INIT: +2, DEF 18/16; SPEED 30; MELEE +8(Punch +8 S, ), RANGED +9(Cold Gun +8 S, ), MENTAL +9, SV: DMG +3, FORT +3, REF +2, WILL +5; STR 14, DEX 14, CON 16, INT 18, WIS 16, CHA 8.

SKILLS: Computers* +17, Craft: Electronics +19, Disable Dev* +13, Listen +6, Profession: Scientist +9, Repair* +18, Science: Biology +14, Science: Cyrogenics +16, Science: Physics +14, Science: Robotics +14, Search +11, Sense Motive +14, Spot +6, Taunt +1.

FEATS: Accurate Attack ( (- dmg bonus), (+ attack roll), 5 max), All-Out Attack ((-dodge), (+attack), 5 max), Attack Focus ( +1 attack Ranged), Headquarters (base of operations), Immunity (Super) (Cold), Endurance (+4 to endurance-related actions), Minions (mooks to do your bidding), Power Attack ((- attack), (+ dmg bonus), 5 max), Stoic (+4 sense motive/taunt vs. taunt), Iron Will (+2 will saves), Indomitable Will (can re-roll failed will after 1 round), Talented (+2 to Craft: Electronics, Science: Cyrogenics).

POWERS: SUPER INTELLIGENCE [+4], CYRO ARMOR, Armor [+6], Super Strength [+6], COLD GUN, Energy Control (Cold) [+8], Power Stunt: Energy Blast [+8], Extra: Snare [+8], Flaw: Device.

WEAK: Disturbing ( -5 bluff / diplomacy), Susceptible (Heat/Armor Breeches).

COST: abilities 26, combat 30, skills 25, feats 24, powers 50, weakness -20, total 135.