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UPP E8B61116

Trade: Fluid Oceans, Low Population

Mongo is a boiling world with a corrosive atmosphere and oceans of sulphurous gloop that would put Venus to shame. It has one subterranean settlement called Mingo City, after Ming the Merciless's city in Flash Gordon, inhabited by 60 profoundly bored and probably mentally unstable employees of Greenfield Incorporated, an English company that claims to be a Known Space leader in terraforming. None of their techniques worked on Venus back in the Sol system, but the eternally optimistic and smooth talking CEO, Gilbert Phipps, raised billions more pounds to have another go on what he claims is the far more promising world of Mongo. Disgruntled employees reckon he's pocketed the cash while sending them to do busywork on an impressively shiny but utterly useless atmospheric detoxifier to impress visiting investors. Supply ships come ever more infrequently, and requests to head office in the Channel Islands for replacement life support equipment seem to be falling on deaf ears. Little actual work has been done for years, and the base crew sit watching endless reruns of vintage 2D sci-fi flicks from the collection of the Project Manager, Menzies McGoldrick, who has been growing a suspiciously goatee beard these last few months.


Mongo's inhabitants are a collection of technicians and engineers from England and Scotland, with a few Canadians, Americans, South Africans, Indians and other anglophone countries mixed in. Any Scholar: Scientist or Scholar: Field Researcher can be a former employee of Greenfield with a contact on the planet, and be thanking their lucky stars they got out of this damn fool project before the rot really set in.